Saturday, December 27, 2008

Quarter Life Crisis...

Since I turned the tender age of 24 this past October, I am convinced that I am going through a quarter-life crisis. Where did I picture myself at 24? Am I anywhere close?

How am I supposed to act at this “in-between” age? Some of my friends are married and others are content with random hook-ups, cringing at the hint of settling down. All of my friends have completed Undergrad, even those that we thought would never be done. A lot of friends are on the cusp of completing Graduate or Law school or have held one or two “real” jobs.

I am content with “night out” consisting of a drink with another couple at a nice restaurant. But still regularly partake in shit-shows, involving multiple shots, drinking games, crazy dancing and culminating in greasy food at a 24-hour diner. At 24, are we really grown-ups or still irresponsible 20-somethings clinging to the college lifestyle for dear life?

Is this really where I thought I’d be at 24? Am I supposed to be living at home with my parents? Working at an advertising agency in the town where I grew up? Living 400 miles away from my boyfriend of 4 years? Lacking a nearby close-knit group of girlfriends?

Where did I see myself at 24 in my youth?

At age 10, my 24-year-old self was an accomplished novelist working on her 3rd or 4th book. I would be living in New York or England off royalties from my novels and bashing around town with my friends in sophisticated outfits. I would return home late to my doting and successful husband. because at the ripe old age of 24, I would definitely be married.

At 13, after realizing the hardship faced by many young writers, I decided that being a novelist wasn’t a lucrative career and designer for a fashion magazine would be much more glamorous and fitting. I pictured myself bent over a large table filled layouts, doodles and designs for a spread in an upcoming edition of a prestigious fashion magazine. I’d be working late into the night with other artists and designers, taking a break to order Chinese food, happy to have a boyfriend who understood that my work was very important to me.

At 16, I decided the perfect career would combine writing and design. I pictured my 24-year-old self in a charcoal grey skirt-suit striding boldly down the streets of New York City toward my office where I worked long, but rewarding, hours as an associate editor of a respectable national magazine. After a busy day at work, I would return home to my chic apartment that I shared with close girl friends. In my successful and fast-paced lifestyle, I had no time or need for a boyfriend.

At age 18, after exposure to fellow Mizzou journalism majors, I realized that they annoyed the hell out of me and I learned the realities of the lowly journalist salary, so a career as an associate editor was nixed. At 24, I would instead be an ad designer for a large advertising agency in Chicago or St. Louis. As an attractive and successful woman, I would be engaged to an equally successful and attractive businessman who could afford a nice rock. Naturally my college friends would be close by, I couldn’t imagine a week going by without seeing them.

At 21, I decided that my Photoshop skills and ad designs lagged behind some of my classmate’s, so advertising account management would be a better career fit. But 24 was so far away that I couldn’t imagine where I’d be, who I’d work for or what exactly I’d be doing. All I knew was that I would be something great, be somewhere exciting and lead a very active life because I wouldn’t settle for anything less. I hoped my current boyfriend and I would still be together, but I wouldn’t let our relationship hold me back from my career goals.

Even a year ago from now, I hoped things would be different, that I would be much more accomplished and have more to show for my hard work, passion and drive.

My accomplishments seem to pale in comparison to those young Hollywood actresses who have started their own charity, already made three movies and are working on their first album. But on the other hand, some of these same actresses have already been divorced, sent to rehab, spent time in jail, publically embarrassed by their families or become a distant memory.

My life seems so far behind when I read about times past when an unmarried 24-year-old woman would practically be considered a spinster. At 24, most women would be married with kids, have traveled the world, run a household and be involved in important aspects of society. But at the same time, these women weren’t able to have a career or the freedom to continue education past secondary school.

So, rather than focusing on where I once saw myself and what I haven’t done, maybe a more important question to ask is am I happy with where I am? I know my life isn’t perfect, but am I working toward my goals? If not, what can I do to change?

At this point, I am not entirely sure that I know the answer to those questions. However, I do know that I’m not getting any younger and should constantly challenge and enjoy myself. I don’t know if I’m ready to become a “Yes Man” like Jim Carey, but I do think this quarter life crisis could actually be a good thing.

It could force me to think about my life, appreciate the little things and change my attitude. It could also force me to take risks and confront challenging situations. So I will continue with my quarter-life crisis and hopefully find some answers by the time I turn 25. And then realize that I have no clue what it means to be 25 and if it lives up to my expectations.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

On the 12th Day of Christmas...

... the pub crawl gave to me, 12 drunken Santas, 11 bars in Wrigleyville, 10 dancing Reindeer, 9 dollars left after a round of, 8 dollar shots, 7 ugly sweaters, 6 slutty elfs, (at least) 5 trips to the bathroom, 4 drunken texts, 3 spilled drinks, 2 beers in hand and 1 glorious shot of Petrone!

This past weekend I accomplished TWO of my “10 Things I Plan To Do In Chicago Over the Holidays”… I feel so productive! Although to be fair, one of the events involved me drinking all day so I guess I shouldn’t feel THAT productive…

#1 Drink myself silly at the “12 Bars of Christmas” in Wrigleyville.

This past Saturday, I participated in the 12 Bars of Christmas pub crawl in Wrigleyville and it was an amazing experience! I have Jill to thank for suggesting this wonderful event and Jenny to thank for letting me crash at her place so I didn’t have to worry about making it back to Naperville! I definitely encourage you to participate with a group and wear really fun costumes! (My red sweater and reindeer antlers paled in comparison to many of the costumes I spotted throughout the day).

This year, they sold out of all 6,000 tickets and while it did rain in the evening, we were blessed with 30-something degree weather (a rarity in Chicago especially considering today’s high is 14 degrees with -10 degree windchill). There are so many topics I can write about, but I will devote this post to a list of creative costumes!

1. The Abominable Snowman (from the claymation Rudolph cartoon) – the costume consisted of cotton snow glued to a sweat suit.

2. Gingerbread Clan – a group of 8 girls wore brown velour track suits with painted “icing” on the sleeves & a slogan on the back “Drink, Drink as fast as you can, you can’t catch up with the Gingerbread Clan”.

3. A group of guys in red Christmas sweaters carrying a small live Christmas tree – I asked and they had to check the tree at the door at every bar.

4. A lump of coal – no joke this girl was in a big black plastic bag stuffed with newspaper.

5. A gift bag – a girl bought a giant gift bag and wore it as a dress by using the straps as sleeves and cutting out the bottom & wore leggings and a turtle neck underneath.

6. A slutty elf- not sure WHERE she got these boots but they are definitely worth mentioning. Her boots were green suede stilettos with the pointy, curly elf toes.

7. A slutty female cop – not sure how that fits into Christmas but thought she deserved a mention.

8. 80s skier – a guy was wearing a tight, bright purple ski suit from the 1980s that was definitely designed for a smaller individual…

9. A Christmas tree with blinking Christmas tree lights.

#3 Pick out a live tree with my family.

Not much of note to mention about the “hunt” for the perfect tree since we went to a pre-cut sale by the local Boy Scouts that only offered one variety of tree and less than 100 trees to choose from. In my opinion, that’s the best kind of hunt there is, we found a tree quickly and the work was done for us while I waited in the heated car! It is currently sitting in our living room strung only with blue lights and no presents underneath… hopefully that’ll change before Christmas!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Santa Baby...

I want a yacht and really that’s not a lot… Okay so I don’t really want a yacht per say but here are some big ticket items that I wish Santa would leave under (or next to) the tree on Christmas morning.

1. Britney Spears Tickets – I don’t care if she shaved her head or is a horrible Mom… it’s Britney, bitch and she’s back!
2. A Caribbean Cruise – it’s freaking cold already in Chi-town and it’s only December… I don’t think I can handle another 2.5 months!
3. A condo in the city and with rent paid for a year – as much as I love my parents, it’s getting kind of old and frankly, so am I.
4. A day at a nice spa - complete with manicure, full body message, hot tub, etc.
5. A job in 2009 – I’m seriously getting worried considering the bailout is stuck in Congress…
6. Lasik surgery – my vision isn’t bad enough to wear contacts all the time and I get annoyed dealing with my glasses (especially in bars).
7. A parking spot in Lincoln Park – taking the train or finding parking is SUCH a hassle sometimes (especially if I miss the train by 5 seconds!) and since I go in 1-2 times every 2 weeks it would be worth it!
8. MBA Program paid for – I mean loans are nice but I will eventually have to pay them back…
9. A private jet – so I can go visit Justin for a day whenever I want!
10. Everything at Target – I seriously can’t leave the place without spending at least $75 and I’ve had to cut myself off from even going.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Combat Bleak Weather With Words of Holiday Wisdom...

If you are in Chicago (and many other areas of the Midwest), the weather outside is certainly frightful with pouring rain turning into snow today and tomorrow. On top of that, all the negative news about the economy and unseasonably cold temperatures may mean you are far from being in the holiday spirit (I know this morning I was a little grumpy).
What better way to get in the holiday spirit than listen to Christmas music and read some great holiday quotes? So to help you get in the spirit of the season at work or at school today, put on your headphones, crank up the holiday music and read my compilation of great holiday quotes – both heartwarming and humorous!
1. Christmas! The very word brings joy to our hearts. No matter how we may dread the rush, the long Christmas lists for gifts and cards to be bought and given--when Christmas Day comes there is still the same warm feeling we had as children, the same warmth that enfolds our hearts and our homes." ~ Joan Winmill Brown, American author and editor.
2. At Christmas, all roads lead home. ~ Marjorie Holmes, American writer.
3. Once again, we come to the Holiday Season, a deeply religious time that each of us observes, in his own way, by going to the mall of his choice ~Dave Barry
4. The proper behavior all through the holiday season is to be drunk. This drunkenness culminates on New Year's Eve, when you get so drunk you kiss the person you're married to. ~P. J. O'Rourke
5. Even as an adult I find it difficult to sleep on Christmas Eve. Yuletide excitement is a potent caffeine, no matter your age. ~Carrie Latet
6. “The giving of gifts is not something man invented. God started the giving spree when he gave a gift beyond words, the unspeakable gift of His Son.” ~Robert Flatt
7. There is a remarkable breakdown of taste and intelligence at Christmastime. Mature, responsible grown men wear neckties made of holly leaves and drink alcoholic beverages with raw egg yolks and cottage cheese in them. ~P.J. O'Rourke
8. The Supreme Court has ruled that they cannot have a nativity scene in Washington, D.C. This wasn't for any religious reasons. They couldn't find three wise men and a virgin. ~Jay Leno
9. Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. He exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exists, and you know that they abound and give to your life its highest beauty and joy. ~Charles Dana, editorial in the New York Sun, 1897, responding to a letter from 8-year-old Virginia O'Hanlon
10. Santa is very jolly because he knows where all the bad girls live. ~Dennis Miller
11. As we struggle with shopping lists and invitations, compounded by December's bad weather, it is good to be reminded that there are people in our lives who are worth this aggravation, and people to whom we are worth the same. ~Donald E. Westlake
12. At Christmas play and make good cheer, for Christmas comes but once a year. ~Thomas Tusser
13. "Christmas is not a date. It is a state of mind." ~Mary Ellen Chase

Monday, December 8, 2008

Make Like a Bear And Hibernate On Winter Weekends

Would you rather snuggle under the covers and watch a movie than go to that holiday party hosted by your second cousin’s ex-wife? Or bake cookies with your roommate than battle the lines at the mall?

Here are some reasons why it’s okay to become a hermit for an entire weekend (or two) during the winter. (Maybe it’s more of a personal validation for my laziness, but feel free to use these excuses in your own personal validations...)

1. Save your skin and hair – avoid the drying winter wind, give your face a break from make-up, try a rejuvenating facemask, give your hair a few days off from the straightener and curling iron.

2. Clean out your cupboard, refrigerator and freezer – eat that can of soup that you bought 3 months ago, eat the leftovers from yesterday’s dinner out rather than throw them away, eat the rest of the week’s groceries before they go bad.

3. Work on all the projects you’ve been putting off for the past several months – file the pile of papers on your desk, do a deep clean of your apartment/room, do that laundry that’s been piling up.

4. Save money for Christmas presents – put the money you’ll save on gas/transportation, eating out, going out and shopping toward Christmas presents for family and friends (or to make a credit card payment or bill).

5. Get in the holiday spirit – listen to Christmas music, make holiday cards, watch holiday movies/ specials, bake cookies, decorate your house/apt.

6. Catch up with family & friends – have quality roommate bonding time, if you live at home spend time with your family, call friends and family members that you haven’t talked to in awhile, email or send Christmas cards to family & friends.

7. Relax! – take a long bath, catch up on sleep, read a book, catch up on your favorite TV shows online, lay around and don’t feel guilty about it!

8. Avoid getting sick – stay out of the brutal winter weather, keep away from other sick friends and strangers, build up your immune system by catching up on sleep and eating healthy.

9. Stay in shape – avoid the extra calories from a night out (both alcohol and drunk food), break out those old kickboxing and pilates tapes, do sit-ups or free weights, or be too lazy to get up off the couch and cook.

10. Make or personalize gifts – bake cookies, knit a scarf, decorate a set of greeting cards, paint a picture frame, make a collage or scrapbook.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

It’s Okay to be Cheap This Holiday Season…

The holidays are quickly approaching and you find yourself strapped for time and cash this year. So what can you do to get in the holiday spirit? Try one (or all) of the quick, cheap and easy ways to get in the holiday spirit! I am too!

1.     Make your own Christmas cards instead of buying them. Whenever you have a few minutes here or there, cut out holiday words and pictures from magazines, catalogs or ads. Set aside 1-2 hours to glue the clippings on colored paper & write a quick note. 

2. Write a letter to a recovering American soldier with a simple message about how you appreciate their service, hope for a quick recovery and have a happy holiday. Write to: Holiday Mail for Heroes/ P.O. Box 5456/ Capitol Heights, MD. 20791-5456. All cards must be postmarked no later than Dec. 10. For more information, visit:

3. Bake cookies as a gift for family/friends or treat for your office party. Betty Crocker cookie packets are only $1.50 at most grocery stores, require only 2-4 additional ingredients and take 20-45 minutes to make and bake! There are many varieties to choose from - the oatmeal (add in raisins) and chocolate chip are my favorites!

4. Dig up last year’s ribbon, wrapping paper scraps and holiday cards and use them to quickly decorate your office (or cube). 

5. Donate a toy to Toys for Tots, Walmart has several toys under $10. Or donate canned goods to a local food shelter. Look online or in a newspaper for local collection centers. 

6. As part of your office holiday festivities or holiday party, invite co-workers/guests to bring in a canned good or toiletry item for a local food bank and drop off the goods during lunch or after work. 

7. Organize an ugly Christmas sweater day at work or plan an “ugly Christmas sweater” happy hour with friends. Tacky Christmas sweaters, shirts and jewelry are all encouraged. Find tacky sweaters your local Goodwill or your parent’s basement.

8. Take a “tour” of local holiday decorations by taking a drive through a neighborhood or take a walk downtown one evening with friends. 

9. If you don’t have the cash to mail holiday cards this year, send friends and family a holiday email or e-card. Make the email or e-card more personal, by including a message specific to each recipient.

10. Listen to commercial-free holiday music on Pandora radio. Go to www. And click on the button for holiday music and you can choose from several “stations” based on your music tastes.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

#10 down, 9 more to go on my Holiday To Do!

In past years, it was like nails on a chalkboard hearing Christmas music more than a week before Dec. 25 and I always rolled my eyes at those people who put up their decorations on Dec. 1. But this year I decided to put my Grinchy attitude aside and give the whole “Christmas Spirit” thing a try. And check off my first “10 Things I Plan To Do in Chicago Over the Holidays” item:

#10. Start listening to Christmas music & decorating on Dec. 1 to take full advantage of the holiday season.

After returning home from my trip to Kansas City for Thanksgiving, I convinced my mom to help me decorate the house for Christmas. I tried to push aside the slowly forming sinus headache from dusty shelves and musty boxes and focus on the cute faces of the snowmen decorations. It was nice to be able to decorate so far in advance rather than in the past 5 years, when after returning home from Missouri I realized that I had to fit all my pre-Christmas activities (including helping decorate the house) into three days. And unlike high school, I no longer had to worry about impending finals or school holiday activities that left me with no time for holiday cheer, let alone helping my parents decorate the house.

Despite the fact that I abhor the cold weather & scraping snow and ice off my car, the Dec. 1 snowfall brought visions of a white Christmas and actually put me in the holiday spirit. So on Monday, I decided to take the leap and decorate my office cube for the holiday. I have to admit seeing Horace the singing abominable snowman brings a smile to my face as I remember the holiday bash at Buttonwood and decorating the apartment in St. Louis last year.

Since the morning show DJs at my favorite radio station just got canned and the temporary DJ isn’t that great, it gives me a great excuse to listen to Christmas music on Lite FM on the way to work in the morning. I think because of my new attitude, the music is no longer grating on my ears.

So far, I’ve managed to stave off my Scrooge and Grinch-like tendencies and am truly in the Christmas spirit!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Celebrating the Season in Chi-Town

Although I have lived in the Chicago area for most of my life, I haven’t taken advantage of all the festivities offered around the holiday season either because I wasn’t old enough, it was too cold or my parents weren’t interested.

In the past couple of years, I have forced myself to brave the Chicago winters to join some friends in Chicago holiday traditions, such as enjoying a cocktail in Marshall Fields’ Walnut room (before it was bought by Macys) and shuffling through the German Christkindl Market in Daley Plaza.

However, there are still many holiday events in Chicago that I have yet to experience and traditions that I want to continue! I plan to check off every item on the top 10 list below and will write a blog post about each experience to get in the Christmas spirit!

10 Things I Plan To Do in Chicago Over the Holidays
1. Drink myself silly at the “12 Bars of Christmas” in Wrigleyville.
2. Go ice-skating outside.
3. Pick out a live tree with my family.
4. Celebrate New Year’s Eve with my boyfriend downtown.
5. See the Second City Dysfunctional Holiday Review.
6. Do something girly in the city with my mom.
7. Attend a dinner party in the city.
8. Go to Walnut Room in Macy’s with friends to continue our tradition.
9. Christmas shopping on the Magnificent Mile.
10. Start listening to Christmas music & decorating on Dec. 1 to take full advantage of the holiday season.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Giving Thanks for What I Don't Have...

This Thanksgiving I am thankful for a lot of things, but in an effort to be different and focus on the top 10 things I am thankful for NOT having this Thanksgiving.

10 Things I am Thankful for NOT Having this Thanksgiving
1. Credit card debt (thanks to a generous Mom & Dad who don’t charge rent)
2. A child (at least not for a few more years anyway – and by a few I mean 10-15…)
3. A broken leg (that would make flying to KC so much more difficult)
4. The flu (so I can eat lots and fun)
5. An allergy to turkey, stuffing or pumpkin pie (because I REALLY like those things)
6. A 10-page paper due the following week (my classes are done until January!)
7. A jealous boyfriend (mine is great)
8. An overly stressful job (my responsibilities here are picking up but I don’t have to dedicate my life to work, which allows me to travel & go to grad school).
9. Frenemies (only friends)
10. A bad attitude about my life (I can’t really complain too much b/c there are a lot of things that I am thankful for)

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

My Resolution for a New Year (24)

Last week I turned 24. That’s almost a quarter of a century. Now that may not seem that old (or maybe it does) but it made me think about how I used to perceive myself at 24.
A polished professional working in a fast-paced ad agency in the big city, making big money with a live-in boyfriend, my best friends in apartments nearby and heading up a local charity organization.

After a quick (really quick) self-evaluation, I realized I am still pretty far from that dream role… living at home, my boyfriend and most of my good friends living in another state, living in the burbs, making enough money to get by. I also realized I am on my way… at my second job, working at an ad agency for a large company, going to grad school, celebrating my four year anniversary with my boyfriend and taking advantage of close-by city life as much as I can.

But then I decided one thing I can easily work on is being a little more polished. In addition to my self-evaluation, there are a few other things that have inspired me to set this goal or my “new year” resolution.

1. The abundance of unflattering pictures of me posted on Facebook lately.
2. I want to have gorgeous hair like Blake Lively & Lauren Conrad.
3. The look of bitten fingernails on the hand of a 24-year-old.
4. Fear of what I might look like when I’m 38 and have million more things to deal with.
5. Glamour beauty edition.
6. The fact that 16-year olds look older than me.
7. The need for a little variety in my look (I’ve been told several times in the past year that I look the same as when I did in high school).
8. Desire to dress professionally & trendy to give off a good impression at work.
9. I want to be a “hot girlfriend” J
10. Young women in Chicago are super trendy and I got to keep up!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Economy's About to Creator...

Not only has McCain suspended his campaign and is trying to postpone the Presidential Debate for Friday in lieu of the country’s financial crisis, but he hit the ultimate low yesterday when he cancelled his appearance on the David Letterman show 90 minutes before the scheduled taping. McCain apologized for his absence, "I have to go back and fix the economy. I'm going to get on a plane now and go." However, he did manage to appear on Katie Couric’s show that same day.

Letterman wasn’t too happy last night, which is evident in his monologue, but he was hilarious! He did, however, divulge his respect for the war hero before cutting him down. This post is dedicated to the funniest parts of Letterman’s opening monologue in regards to McCain’s cancellation. As a disclaimer, I am not completely against McCain, I just don’t agree with how he handled this situation.

10 Quotes from David Letterman in Reaction to McCain’s Cancellation
1. “He had to cancel the show because he’s suspending the campaign because the economy is exploding.”
2. “Our people were told… he was racing back to Washington and now we’ve just been told that this is going live [cuts to a live taping of McCain getting ready for an interview with Katie Couric]. He doesn’t seem to be racing back to the airport, does he?”
3. “Something doesn’t smell right; this is not the way a tested hero should behave.”
4. “Somebody must have put something in his Metamucil.”
5. “Let’s say Sarah Palin takes over as President, she should be ready because she’s handled crises like this in the past. Oh wait she hasn’t handled crises like this in the past.”
6. “He can’t run his campaign because the economy’s about to creator, fine. But put in your second string quarter-back. Where is our 2nd string quarterback?”
7. “Let’s cut to the interview now. Hey, John I have a question, you need a ride to the airport?”
8. “It’s like we caught him in a manicure or something.”
9. “We’re told now the Senator is done with Katie Couric and on Rachel Ray’s show cooking chicken picata.”
10. Just watch:

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Mayor May Dampen Cubs Postseason Celebration

Now that the Cubs have clinched the division (and home-field advantage)and are headed to the playoffs, the talk of the town is that Mayor Daley might ask BARS in Wrigleyville cut off alcohol sales after the 7th inning during the post-season play.

This is a TERRIBLE, HORRIBLE idea for MANY reasons, but I will outline just a few:

1. The proposal is most likely to be VOLUNTARY, which means no bar in their right mind will actually do it. The Cubs season is when Wrigleyville bars make most of their revenue for the year and if the bar next store decides to continue serving alcohol everyone will go there instead.
2. How will the city even begin to start regulating this??
3. People who actually live in the area and want to get a drink unrelated to the game will be punished as well.
4. Most people who go to the Cubs games take public transportation or live nearby, especially during playoff season so there’s not a greater chance that people will drive home drunk.
5. People will still do stupid things; cutting off alcohol sales at the 7th inning will not curb that.
6. What if the game goes into extra innings?
7. People will just move to find the closest bar that does sell alcohol and you will run into the same problem there.
8. We are not in high school anymore and the Mayor is not our parents.
9. People want to celebrate, let them celebrate. After all, This is The Year (and it only happens once in a lifetime).
10. What kind of a message will this sanction send about Chicago sportsfans to the rest of the nation? That we can’t handle ourselves? In that case, we should just kiss the 2016 Olympics good-bye!

More articles:

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Baseball, Football, My B-day, Halloween...

Yesterday, Sept. 22 was officially the last day of summer and the first day of Fall. Although I am sad to see summer (and the warm weather) go, there is so much to look forward to this Fall season! Here are a few reasons why I love the season (inspired by an article in the At Play section of the Chicago Tribune):

1. Homecoming.
2. Acorn squash, apples, pumpkin pie, hot chocolate.
3. Open windows, no heat, no AC.
4. Halloween - seeing all the kids in their cute costumes, an excuse to eat candy 24/7 and an excuse to dress up!
5. Fall smell & crisp autumn air.
6. Football season & tailgates! Go Mizzou!
7. Cubs post-season play! Go Cubs Go!
8. Snuggling up in a warm blanket on Sunday afternoons.
9. Red wine weather.
10. My birthday! I decided I'm turning 21 again this year...

Monday, September 22, 2008

Am I Marriage Material?

I was listening to B96 radio this morning on my way to work and the topic was “Why I couldn’t marry myself”, so that got me thinking. I kind of like myself (as conceited as that sounds) but the statement holds true. I could never marry myself or someone exactly like myself for the following reasons:

1. I know nothing about investing or really anything to do with finances.
2. I am NOT a morning person.
3. I’m a picky eater – especially when it comes to pasta & dairy.
4. I never get that “cute” morning hair look… it’s just always out of control.
5. I’m sometimes indecisive and need a second opinion before I make a decision.
6. I over-think easy situations.
7. I’m a little stingy with money and complain about not having it (a lot).
8. I’m a bad bags partner.
9. I don't like kids or pets (although everyone says it’ll be different when they are your own).
10. I take too many pictures (according to some people) but I just like to savor the happy moments!

Wait so am I dooming myself to be unmarried forever with this post? (Justin, take this with a grain of salt…)

Friday, September 19, 2008

Advice is My Graduation Present

My brother headed off to college (in California!) this morning and my gift to him was the following advice. (I'm sure he would have rather had money but I'm not exactly rolling in the dough...)

Below are some specific words of advice from a former collegian:

Sometimes it’s okay to…
· Stay out until 4 a.m. just because you can.
· Order in pizza twice in one day because you are too busy (or lazy) to go to the dining hall.
· Hit snooze until you barely have enough time to make it to class.
· Call in sick to your internship because you have too much homework to do!
· Go to your professor’s office hours three days in a row because you just don’t get it!
· Get a B – some professors are just jerks.
· Ask your roommate to clean up his freaking side of the room because it is disgusting.
· Join a study group.
· Suck up to your professors/ TAs.
· Give only 75% effort on an assignment because you just don’t have time!
· Have a dirty clothes basket and a dirty-but-you-probably-could-still-wear-it clothes basket.
· Call home because you miss it (although you don’t have to admit that to Mom & Dad at the time).
· Occasionally skip class & have a friend take notes for you.
· Stay in on a Friday night and watch movies because you are too tired to go out.
· Go out on a Tuesday night even if you have an 8am class on Wednesday (you can sleep later).
· Take 15-minute power naps or 3-hour afternoon naps.
· Start drinking coffee or caffeinated soda.
· Work on a project ahead of time because you have other plans around the due date.
· Put off working on a project until the last minute.
· Talk on instant messenger during class if the professor is a bore – but only if you don’t get caught!
· Sit in the back of the class every now and then.
· Sit in the front row and ask lots of questions because it is a subject you are very interested in.
· Do your homework at the beach.
· Be irresponsible occasionally.
· Take a vitamin every day to avoid getting sick – don’t learn the hard way…
· Root for the Cubs even though you are in California.
· Wear your swim trunks to class because you are going swimming right afterward.
· Carry your life in your backpack because your day is packed.
· Get involved in an organization just because it’ll look good on your resume.
· Join an organization because you enjoy it.
· Eat pizza for breakfast & ice-cream for dinner.
· Wear your Ipod around campus because you don’t feel like talking to people at 9 a.m.
· Say no to an invitation if you don’t really want to hang out with that person/ those people.
· Wish you were with your high school friends every now and then.
· Have the most challenging & the best experience of your life.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

General Motors in the Media

Now that I am working (indirectly) for General Motors I think it is important to know what’s going on within the company so I’ve been paying more attention to when General Motors is in the news – both good and bad. It’s definitely been interesting to see the media’s perspective of the company. Anyway, here are some recent articles I’ve come across in regards to GM and my thoughts.

10 Articles on General Motors
1. Trouble with engines in Canada? Don’t worry, GM’s got you covered, you just have to know about it!
2. GM may change plans to close a Janesville plant after receiving an incentive package to keep the plant that provides jobs for so many citizens in the town.
3. Good news for automakers – shares of GM rose 2% at the end of last week… (I get to keep my job for another week!)
4. GM Saturn Outlook is the fourth crossover model for GM…
5. So everyone laughed when GM asked Congress for a $25 billion loan, but then Congress turns around and gives AIG a $85 billion loan… hmm… what’s the logic behind that?,0,6691954.story
6. GM’s Pontiac G8 replaces the GTO and gets rave reviews (it looks pretty too),DJ091308_g8.article
7. GM Celebrates 100 years as a company – the positive and negative spin.
8. GM unveiled the Chevy Volt earlier this week and is designated as “the key to [GM’s] survival
9. GM touting the Volt on the Colbert Report
10. Pontiac G3 launch in Spring 2009 to combat the negative market around SUVs

Work Hard At Work To Stay Working...

With the economy on the down swing, companies seem to be laying people off left and right. Rather than re-hiring, the companies are just redistributing the work to the current employees to save cash. With that in mind, it’s important to try extra hard to impress your boss if you want to keep your job.

Here are some good practices that I’ve noticed will help you stand out in the company & keep your job (even if it’s not your “dream job”).

10 Ways to Look Good at Your Job
1. Only work on personal things during your lunch break or before/after normal “work hours”.
2. Be on time (or even early)!
3. Ask your boss if they need help with anything before you leave or pack up for the day.
4. Do what your boss asks without arguing, no matter how irritating the task. If it’s something that you strongly disagree with, take the time to come up with a calm and rational explanation of why it is unnecessary.
5. Always bring a pen & paper to every meeting or to your boss’ office.
6. Don’t doodle or organize during meetings (this is particularly hard for me)!
7. Always try to have something to contribute at status updates or when your boss is asking about a specific topic.
8. More one-on-one contact with other co-workers, don’t always just send an email or instant message. Take the time to walk over to their desk or if strapped for time, pick up the phone.
9. If you see your boss rushing around, offer to help.
10. Communicate! When you have to leave early or are swamped it’s better to be up-front with your co-workers or superiors rather than them just assume things or get irritated later.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Let's Get Some Runs!

I think the Cubs might need a little pep-talk in the form of a blog post honoring the Cubs legacy and fans. Most of the Cubs Facts are snippets from a great book, For Cubs Fans Only Volume II, a collection of stories & antidotes from Cubs fans young and old. The book was compiled and edited by Rich Wolf; read the review here:

Interested in learning more about the Cubs? Visit these sites:

10 Great Cubs Facts
1. When Lou Piniella played minor-league baseball in Aberdeen, South Dakota, the team’s batboy was Cal Ripken Jr.
2. P.K. Wrigley and Milton Hershey were bitter business rivals. When Wrigley bought the Chicago Cubs, Hershey tried to buy the Philadelphia Phillies… and sell chocolate gum. Hershey failed in both efforts.
3. Carmella Hartigan was the oldest Bleacher Bum; she threw out an honorary first pitch in 1998 at the age of 96. She died in 2002 at the age of 100.
4. Greg Maddux made his Cubs debut in September 1986 as a pinch runner in the seventeenth inning.
5. The Cubs first night game was on 8/8/88.
6. Rogers Hornsby holds the highest single-season batting average in Cubs, Cardinals & Braves history. His lifetime batting average was .358.
7. Cubs Power was an LP that featured three Cubs players singing baseball songs to promote the Cubs in 1969. The flip side of the LP included Bleacher Bum cheers.
8. More NFL games have been played in the Meadowlands than in any other stadium. Until 2003, Wrigley Field held the record, even though Wrigley had not hosted an NFL game since 1971.
9. Beginning in 1893, the Cubs won four pennants in five years and two World Series.
10. Orlando Merced had only ten at-bats as a Cub, but on September 12, 1998, Merced hit a three-run walk-off HR to win a game against the Brewers 15-12.

10 Cubs Fan-isms
1. One of these years it WILL happen, the Cubs will go to the World Series. I just hope it will be “Just Once in MY Lifetime.”
2. To me being a Cubs fan means being optimistic. It means being able to find good in bad. It means simply enjoying the moment.
3. I am still the longest-suffering Cub fan. That’s the real Cub curse.
4. Just another day in The Friendly Confines!
5. The Cubs could lose all 162 games every year, and I will forever be a Die-Hard. It’s unconditional love. Maybe next year…
6. Go Cubs go! Go Cubs go! Hey Chicago, what’d you say? The Cubs are gonna win today!
7. Oh maybe they’ll be good this year! (uttered after the first win of the season).
8. We had gone to Comiskey Park when we got free tickets. My family wouldn’t have paid money to see the White Sox.
9. Cubs fans get so comfortable with the way the team is that it’s hard to find one thing that you would change. It becomes a part of your existence…
10. There’s always next year (hopefully we won’t need to use that this year!)

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

A New Season, A New Outlook

At the risk of sounding like an old lady, I can’t believe it’s already September and the summer is almost officially over! But a new season means new beginnings & new events to look forward to. So in the midst of Cubs games, Mizzou football games, going to the city & fun visitors I will be working on a few personal goals in honor of a new season:

10 Personal Goals for this Fall Season
1. Take more pictures with my family, Justin & my friends – after all a picture is worth a thousand words!
2. Learn more about the Mizzou football players so I can feel semi-knowledgeable when promoting the team!
3. More family time – invite them to events and suggest more activities.
4. Be more positive in general – especially when talking about myself, current situation, experiences and others!
5. Continue to stay in touch with my friends who move away – especially those that move to China!
6. Ask more questions – about other people’s life & things I don’t understand even at the risk of feeling foolish.
7. Stop biting my nails!
8. Don’t rely on email as much at work – reach out to people face-to-face.
9. Be more cautious about doing personal stuff at work.
10. Be more money-conscious. Save for the important things, like Homecoming ;)

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Back to School Supplies

In honor of the back-to-school season, I’ve decided to devote this post to my all-time favorite school supplies and my least favorite supplies throughout my schooling career.

10 All-time Favorite School Supplies
1. Brand new box of Crayola crayons (elementary) – nothing like the feeling of coloring with brand new crayons, I can almost smell the fresh, waxy aroma now!
2. Elmer’s blue glue (elementary) – didn’t work as well as the regular Elmer’s glue much to the annoyance of the art teacher but I envied the kids who had it!
3. Mechanical pencils (elementary) – good-bye pencil sharpeners and hello Bic teal clipped mechanical pencils!
4. Gel pens (middle) – yes these got banned after a few years because some idiots would buy and use the light pink & yellow, but for a while they were sooo cool!
5. Post-it notes (middle & high school) – before the days of my beloved planner, post-its would remind me of important events & assignments!
6. Five Star three subject notebooks (high school) – these notebooks would cover 3 classes worth of information and provided pockets to take the place of trapper keepers!
7. Graphing calculator (high school & college) – I wouldn’t have gotten through BC Calc or Accounting without it!
8. Pink, green & blue highlighters (high school & college) – I was a book, note & study guide highlighting fiend!
9. Planner (college) – My planner was my life! It kept me organized
10. Jump drive (college) – saved my life transferring group projects, advertising projects and when my computer was acting up!

10 All-time Worst School Supplies
1. Plastic pencil case (elementary) – it took up so much room in my desk and still didn’t fit everything!
2. Pens with feathers, felt & sequins (elementary) – these girls needed a clue (sorry if you were one of them…)
3. Side pocket folders (elementary) – you would inevitably get at least one handout a month that didn’t fit into those side slots and were forced to just slide it in at the risk of losing it!
4. Child safety scissors (elementary) – cutting ANYTHING with these scissors was a challenge, even standard construction paper!
5. Wide-lined paper (elementary & middle) – there is NO need to write anything that big. Generally used by cheaters who couldn’t write a full-page essay.
6. Protractor (elementary & middle) – really when did you ever actually use this device apart from poking the annoying kid sitting next to you.
7. Trapper Keeper (middle) – these were NOT locker friendly, especially when the girl you were sharing with decided she needed on for EACH class.
8. Binders (high school) – only because no one had a three-whole punch and teachers passed out handouts without the holes already punched. You had to store things in the pocket until it was bursting and were forced to take it home to organize your crap. Really a folder would have been better.
9. Hand-held recorder (college) – really? You can’t just take notes Blue books (college) – I don’t understand why you can’t just use normal paper? Is the teacher REALLY too cheap to invest in a stapler or, heaven forbid, supply the paper for their tests?

Thursday, August 21, 2008

A super-Sonic adventure!

Last night I was leafing through the local newspaper when I came upon an article announcing the opening of the first Chicago-area Sonic location this past Tuesday! According to the article, the restaurant is a short “15 min – 1 hour drive away [from a location by my work] depending on the time of day” (typical Naperville & Aurora traffic).

So, of course, I ripped out the article to show my co-worker, a fellow Mizzou grad and Sonic connoisseur, to entice her to go with me during lunch. Immediately after showing her the article, we made plans to go (and conned in another co-worker who went to college in Southern Illinois). Here is what we encountered on our quest for Diet Cherry Limeades!

10 Highlights from Our Sonic Adventure
1. We pull up and are instructed to follow a series of signs and Sonic employees strategically placed in the nearby Walmart parking lot who tell us where to wait for the drive thru and car hop lines.
2. One of the 10 Sonic workers milling around in the parking lot informed us the wait for the DRIVE THRU is 30 mins, but we’re determined and pull in behind at least 30 other cars.
3. We receive a Watermelon or Blue Coconut slush sample after 20 mins.
4. We snack on M&Ms after 30 mins.
5. After 45 mins. of waiting, we are finally one car away from ordering and the van in front of us pulls out a list.
6. Meanwhile a drunk-looking lady is pouring a water bottle over her car.
7. Sonic employees are sitting in their cars eating delicious-looking tater tots, melts & burgers and sipping on delicious-looking shakes, slushes and limeades while we continue to wait.
8. We are finally able to order and instructed to have a super-sonic day!
9. The car in front of ours order is so big one of the carhops has to shakily roller skate a tray out before and after he reaches the window.
10. We finally receive the glorious tots, toaster melts & limeades that we ordered and return to work 1.5 hours after our trek began fat & happy.

5 Highlights from the Naperville Sun Article Describing Sonic’s Opening Day
1. “[Julie and Kara Salanicky] have made several long trips to Peoria – until Tuesday, the nearest place to score the messy Coney dogs and more than 168,000 drink combinations…”
2. “As many as 10 cars were lined up before the restaurant’s 6 am opening…”
3. “A trail of cars stretched well into the surrounding parking lots, following the direction of yellow-vest-wearing staffers barking into walkie-talkies.”
4. “…training girls to skate around hundreds of people while navigating busy traffic and balancing trays of piping hot goodies – that takes time.”
5. “This isn’t your typical fast-food joint”.

Read the whole article here (it's really great journalism... ),6_1_NA20_SONIC_S1.article

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Hills or the Olympics?

According to Perez Hilton the 18 – 24 age group that watches the Hills is not a demographic that is interested in watching the Olympics. Well I’m either an anomaly or he doesn’t know what he’s talking about because I’ve literally been glued to the Olympics every night. I haven’t gotten to the point of watching them live at 3am, but I have managed to watch between 1-4 hours a day… okay maybe I’m just a loser.

But this brings me to the question – what am I going to do with myself after the Olympics is over?

10 Alternative Activities to Watching the Olympics
1. Spend time actually conversing with my family.
2. Be well rested again, as I won’t feel like I have to stay up until midnight to watch the end.
3. Go back to being constantly underwhelmed since I won’t be watching the world’s greatest athletes anymore.
4. Resort to watching the world’s greats on The Hills - biggest bitch (Lo), dirtiest girl (Audrina), biggest douche (Spencer) and biggest idiot (Heidi).
5. Go back to watching Letterman and the second best top 10 lists (mine coming in first of course).
6. Return to watching the great American sports – Cubs, Mizzou football, NFL football J
7. Get off my ass and do something besides watching TV for hours at a time.
8. Stop worrying about scheduling my social life around particular races.
9. Old faithful re-runs: Friends, Sex & the City, Will & Grace.
10. Get my laptop fixed so I can return to facebook stalking full time.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Would you like some Class with your Wine?

This post was inspired by a suggestion from a close friend of mine (Jessi) and an article about another close friend of mine (boxed wine).

But no matter how much they try, boxed wine will just never be classy.

10 Least Classy Ideas Involving Boxed Wine*
1. Tour de Franzia – involves riding around on a bike and drinking a box of Franzia
2. Power hour using boxed wine or any drinking game for that matter.
3. Bringing a box of wine to a wine & cheese party
4. Drinking directly from the spout
5. Bonging wine from the bag.
6. Removing the bag from the smaller box and secretly storing it in a takeout box.
7. Purchasing it over a bottle of wine because you prefer the boxed wine taste
8. Bringing it as your BYOB to a party
9. Keeping more than one flavor on hand and open at one time
10. Using it as a chaser for hard alcohol.
*Not necessarily based on my own personal experiences

Friday, August 15, 2008

A to the X, X to the Oh the days of recruitment...

Last weekend when I was in Columbia I got all the latest recruitment gossip after running into some younger Alpha Chis that are still active in the house. This made me reminisce about the days of work week (or rather “sisterhood week”) and recruitment.

5 Things I Miss Most About Sorority Recruitment
1. Work week lunch breaks at Quintons – good friends, yummy food & $2.50 big girls
2. An excuse to hang out with my friends all day for 2 weeks straight with no silly distractions like work or school.
3. Gas station runs
4. Going out during work week & seeing everyone for the first time since summer. Oh how I miss Shiloh, Big 12, Harpos, Willies, Quintons…
5. Super Walmart trips buying random last-minute props, articles of clothes

10 Best Recruitment Moments
1. 2006 pledge class!
2. Making it through 5 party day after parties of 110+
3. “Why would they want your hair to look ugly?”
4. The comb-over recruiting.
5. The ceiling caving in during work week.
6. Meghan rolling around on the hardwood floor with just a pig.
7. Meeting Justin (even though we didn’t get together until 3 months later).
8. Being asked to be one of the 5/6 dancers.
9. Bragging about how we won 1st place in Greek Week!
10. Checking out a rug in the self-check line at Super Walmart while decorating our rooms.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Try it, you'll like it! (Maybe)

My new goal is to be more open to different foods or types of food. I am working on trying new things, re-trying things that I used to like at one point and trying to expand past foods in my “comfort zone”. I have some success and some not so successful moments…

10 Things I’m Slowly Learning to Like (for the first time or again)
1. Black coffee – I’m down to only ½ a packet of Equal per cup!
2. Green tea – I heard it’s good for you, so I’m giving it a go.
3. Mustard – Dijon for dipping soft pretzels instead of cheese & honey mustard dressing… not bad.
4. Seafood – sushi, sashimi and other fish… not quite venturing to shellfish, lobster or shrimp yet.
5. Red wine – although I don’t like how it turns my teeth purple!
6. Rum & diet – although I can’t stand the morning after taste it leaves, no matter how much I brush my teeth!
7. Curries – I tried it in LA and it’s really not bad, but I couldn’t eat it every day!
8. Chickpeas – not really sure why I decided to try them but for some reason my mom has a lot in our cabinet.
9. Jalapenos – with the food poisoning concerns I’m sticking to canned/jarred.
10. Regular olives – good on salads, but still can’t really eat them plain!

10 Things I’m Trying to Like And Just Can’t Stomach…
1. Black Starbucks coffee – way too bitter! I can barely choke down a cup of Starbucks coffee with 2 packets of Equal!
2. Goji Berries – supposed to be good for you but they taste sick.
3. Instant oatmeal – I had one bad experience last winter with super runny oatmeal and now I can’t even choke down a spoonful.
4. Gin – my boyfriend likes it and it’s probably better for you than beer!
5. Pickles – I always think it would be such a refreshing snack!
6. Yogurt – I don’t know why, it makes my stomach hurt…
7. Veggie burgers – just the thought of slimy cooked mushrooms inside the burger makes me shudder.
8. Diet Pepsi – I’m just a Coke girl… bring it on Pepsi challenge!
9. Tofu – it’s a texture issue.
10. Regular maple syrup – I’m just too spoiled and need the 100% pure which makes it difficult to order pancakes & waffles at a restaurant.

5 Things I’m Trying to Pretend I Don’t Like So I Eat Less Of…
1. Ice cream – but I just can’t give up frozen yogurt so don’t even ask.
2. White bread – trying to eat whole grains instead & make me sooo tired!
3. Ketchup – I can’t limit myself to just a dab!
4. French fries – although sometimes you just need a little grease after a night full of drinking.
5. Margaritas – I can’t just have one!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Olympics - more than just a few races

So I never was a huge fan of watching the Olympics (and I'm still not a huge fan of Bob Kostas) but now that I have some more free time, I've been watching the Olympics a lot more this year! I've come to discover a lot of interesting things about the Olympics - the games, athletes, commercials, hype and publicity.

10 Interesting Things Surrounding the 2008 Summer Olympics
1. George Bush slapped a woman's volleyball player's ass -,22606,24160360-5006301,00.html
2. The Olympics has mascots and they are so cute!
3. Awesome Coca-Cola commercial by Wieden-Kennedy Amsterdam
4. Men's 400 freestyle Relay. OMG that was probably the most excited I've ever been about watching a swimming race on TV.
5. The Chinese sure do know how to get the party started with the amazing technological & intricate opening ceremony. The producers, choreographer and director of this event were genious in the way they pulled together the traditional and modern themes.
6. Taiwan has to go by the name of Chinese Taipei in order to compete in the Olympic games in China because of a political constraints and relationship with China.
7. BMX racing is an Olympic sport for the first time in 2008.
8. In the 1904 Olympics in St. Louis, the United States was the only nation to participate in the roque tournament (a game similar to croquet). The 1904 games were also the first and last time Roque was played in the Olympics.
9. Michael Phelps consumes between 8,000- 10,000 calories A DAY! His breakfast alone is like more food than I eat in a week (well not really but it's a lot). In an interview in USA Today Weekend Magazine, Phelps said, "...I polish off a stack of pancakes, a bowl of grits, an omelet, maybe an egg-and-cheese sandwich or two. I'll follow that with a little dessert.
10. A great looking dessert that I will probably have to make in honor of the United States' success in the 2008 Summer Olympics -

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda

Three of my sorority sisters from Mizzou (and former roommates of room 13/14) visited me this past weekend in Chicago. Although we have all finished undergrad, we quickly fell back into our old college ways, which got me thinking about the “real world”. What should and should I not be allowed to do now that I am in the real world…

10 Things that I SHOULD NOT STILL BE DOING in My Post-College Life…
1. Falling asleep in the same clothes that I went out in that night.
2. Being okay with sleeping on a futon, couch and/or floor.
3. Playing power-hour.
4. Spending at least 15 minutes a day on Facebook every day.
5. Being the only people dancing in a bar.
6. Discover pictures on my camera the next morning that I don’t remember taking.
7. Eating at IHOP in the middle of the night.
8. Eating popcorn and cookies for lunch.
9. Wearing my sorority t-shirts to work out.
10. Wanting to go back every day.

10 Things that I SHOULD BE DOING in My Post-College Life and Haven’t Yet…
1. Start investing.
2. Transfer the title of my car into my parent’s name.
3. Get a credit card that isn’t connected with any bank account.
4. Stop living at my parent’s house.
5. Decide what I really want to do with my life.
6. Join a professional organization.
7. Start buying my clothes at places other than Target, H&M and Forever 21.
8. Stop drinking so much Diet Coke.
9. Living in the same city as my boyfriend of more than 3 years.
10. Visit my college friends more often.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Get Excited About the Upcoming Months!

The second ½ of the year is seriously WAY better than the first. Here are a few of my favorite things about the upcoming months (August – December)!

5 Best Things About the Month of August
1. 2nd half of baseball season, check out the 1st place cubs:
2. Still summer! Pools open, beach visits, baseball games, day drinking, outside weather, winery evenings…
3. 2008 Summer Olympics & there are a lot of local Chicagoans to cheer for -,localolybios080308.article
4. Lots of end of the summer celebrations & festivals! Here are some things to do in August:
5. It’s been a great month so far!

5 Best Things About the Month of September
1. Labor Day Weekend & a free day off work!
2. Beginning of fall – leaves start turning, starts cooling off, “fall smell”, apple picking
3. Still baseball season & start of football season! So much to watch & drink during, so little time. Track the Mizzou Tigers at
4. The weather is great in Chicago! According to, September is a wonderful time of year in Chicago -- the mild temps and the diminished crowds is ideal for sightseeing. Here are some fun things to do in Chicago during September -
5. The Mizzou Journalism School turns 100! (I know I’m kind of lame but I still think it’s pretty cool). Learn about it here:

5 Best Things About the Month of October
1. My birthday! (Isn’t that why October is so great for you too?)
2. Halloween – the only holiday that it’s socially acceptable to wear crazy outfits to work, wear over-the-top slutty outfits out and eat candy all day without feeling guilty. Start planning Halloween 2008 here:
3. Oktoberfest – I mean it’s a festival that revolves around beer, what more do I have to say? Find out more about Oktoberfest here:
4. Homecoming – going back to Mizzou, seeing old friends, acting like college students again, tailgating, football, lots of food & beer… it’s not like Mizzou invented it or anything… oh wait, we did! Read about it here:
5. Football season & tailgates – besides the summer, the only other time of the year that day drinking is actually encouraged & still nice enough to grill outside without you freezing to death. Check out this hilarious tailgate website:

5 Best Things About the Month of November
1. Thanksgiving – 2 days off of work + stuffing + pumpkin pie + friends/family = good times. This year, make a Turducken!
2. It’s still football season!
3. Movember –hilarious & for a good cause! According to Wikipedia, It's quite common for some males in Australia (especially in the city of Melbourne), and New Zealand to sport a moustache during the month of November. The custom being known as Movember (Movember is a portmanteau of the words 'Moustache' and 'November'.), and being a fundraising event for men's health issues.
4. Election Year – I don’t know who I’m voting for yet, but I do that I’ll be happy as long as Bush gets out of the White House!
5. On Nov. 5, Justin & I will celebrate our 4 Year Anniversary!

5 Best Things About the Month of December
1. Holiday cheer – not only good food, parties & presents but everyone is in a good mood!
2. Two words – HOT CHOCOLATE. So I don’t know if you can get hot chocolate here but the menu looks AMAZING, I think I’m going to try it out next time I’m in the city -
3. Holiday break – a week of relaxing, spending time with friends & family, using all my newly acquired gift cards & cash from Christmas.
4. Traditions, such as cocktails at the Walnut Room in downtown Chicago’s Macys (formerly Marshall Fields) w/ Jessi, Ack & Jill
5. Holiday Parties. Start planning early with tips from this site!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Improving Your Self Image - an Experiment

A high self-image involves feeling confident about your appearance. The easiest way to feel confident about your appearance is to play up your best traits and work on the worst ones.

So I am conducting a self experiment to see how my theory plays out. Feel free to participate by following the outline below.

Experiment Outline:
1. Write down the 5 physical traits that you like BEST about yourself.
2. For each trait, write down WHY you consider them your best traits.
3. For each trait, write down an easy way to keep that attribute physically healthy.
4. For each trait, write down a way to highlight those features (ex. Clothes, accessories).
5. On a separate sheet, write down the 5 physical traits you like LEAST about yourself.
6. For each trait, write down WHY you consider it one of your worst traits.
7. For each trait, write down an easy way to improve/make it better.
8. Now try out 3,4,7 for a week and see if you notice results.
9. From lists 3,4,7 and what results you were happiest with create “5 Rules of Thumb” – five rules that will strive to follow every day to look your best at all times.

Experiment Example (only uses one trait):
1. BEST: My wrists
2. My wrists – I have never thought negatively about them and I consider them “delicate”
3. My wrists - Moisturize
4. My wrists – wear dangly bracelets/bangles
5. WORST: My skin
6. My skin – I have struggled with acne every day of my life since I was 12 years old, my paleness is prone to burning & hard to hide blemishes
7. My skin - Follow strict skin regime (no cheating), don’t touch my face as much, bring facewash to the gym, keep night cream by my bed
8. I notice my skin looks better if I take the extra effort to make sure to follow the million steps in my daily routine!
9. Rule of Thumb: If going to be in the sun, bring powder!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Savoring the Small Things

Sometimes it’s easy to take the little things in life for granted. Since I’ve graduated, I have put a huge amount of weight on “the next big event”, wishing life could just speed up to get to that moment. I often forget that life is short and it’s important to savor EVERY happy moment, even if the happiness comes from something small.

Here are a few recent moments where I found joy in the little (but NOT insignificant) things in life:

10 Recent Moments I’m Savoring Right Now

  1. Biting into a REALLY sweet, crisp apple
  2. Reading a heart-felt email from a friend
  3. Making it to Union Station without exactly knowing where I was going – another step toward my Chicago Street Smarts
  4. Gas - $4.06 and FALLING
  5. A five minute chat in the kitchen with my little brother who is going to school in California in a few weeks
  6. My mom asking me for advice on fixing an organizational problem
  7. A phone call from Justin
  8. A Cubs win
  9. My comfy, yet stylish, yellow sweatpants
  10. The slightly sore, yet satisfied, feeling from a good workout.

And that’s only over two days! Maybe I should stop and smell the roses more often…

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Jeans in the Workplace

Good idea or bad idea?

In today's society, I think tasteful, dressy jeans should be acceptable in the workplace... if not everyday, at least once a week!
There are so many cute ways to dress up jeans (ex. Blazer, button down) and jeans can look great on anyone if they get the right size, cut and color! However, it seems that some people just don’t understand what is or is not acceptable or how to effectively “dress up” jeans.

I’ve come up with 10 reasons why jeans aren’t currently accepted in the workplace and 10 easy to follow rules that companies can use to ensure tasteful jean-wearing! It’s simple people, just wear what looks good!

10 Reasons Why Jeans Aren’t Acceptable in the Workplace
1. Muffin top
2. High waist with elastic – worst idea ever!
3. Skirts
4. Way too ripped
5. Too tight, buy your size!
6. Plumber’s crack
7. Too ghetto
8. Too sexy?
9. Jorts
10. Underwear peeking out
10 Rules to Make Jeans Acceptable in the Workplace
1. No skirts
2. No shorts, capris or high waders.
3. Your shirt must be longer than the top of the jeans
4. No holes larger than a ¼ inch in diameter
5. Must have pockets in back
6. Must be dark jean color
7. Cannot be worn with sneakers or gym shoes
8. No undergarments should be visible
9. Managers may outlaw for the day with 48 hours notice
10. No bleach stains

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Worst CD Ever

So my mom asked me to pick out some CDs from Best Buy for the kids in her art classes to listen to during their "fun days". So I checked out the kid genre online and this CD sounded like my worst nightmare.

The Worst Playlist Ever (Please imagine a class full of kids singing along)
1. Mickey
2. Footloose
3. Karma Chameleon
4. Funkytown
5. Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go
6. Holiday
7. We're Not Gonna Take It
8. Kokomo
9. I Want Candy
10. Our House
11. Girls Just Want To Have Fun
12. Livin' On a Prayer
13. Vacation
14. Kids In America

Friday, July 11, 2008

My Life Is Sometimes a Sitcom

Ways My Life is Like a Sitcom
1. My mom is Mrs. Foreman from That 70s Show (seriously). Find out what character you are most like here:
2. My friend Jill was told last week that she dances like Elaine from Seinfeld. See Elaine’s dance moves here:
3. Like Home Improvement – my little brother is the genius, Randy (played by JTT), and I’m the normal older sibling, Brad (played by Zachery Ty Bryan), who relies on his good looks to get through life.
4. Like Cheers, Harpos was my bar “where everybody knows your name”!
5. I’ve been told I have character traits similar to Monica on Friends (although I promise I wasn’t fat in HS). See clips of Monica’s traits here:
6. Like Fraiser, I still live with my dad. Unlike Fraiser, I still have a full head of hair.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

In A Perfect World

Not that I'm complaining about my current life (because I have lots to be thankful for), but in my perfect world...

1. Justin & I would live together, in the same city with great jobs.
2. All my friends would live just around the corner.
3. Chocolate cookies & DQ blizzards would be diet foods.
4. I could afford to travel abroad at least 6 times a year.
5. I would have the flexibility and turnout of a professional dancer & be able to take classes every day.
6. Winter would last Dec. 1 - Jan. 1
7. I would own a lakehouse or condo on the ocean.
8. When I went shopping, the first outfit I tried on would always be perfect.
9. I would never be bored or overly stressed at work.
10. I would have perfect skin.

Speaking of perfect, here are my top 10 perfect desserts & where to find them (because you gotta try them):

1. Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory - milk chocolate dipped chocolate chip cookie
2. Hagen Daas - belgium waffle with chocolate sauce & ice cream
3. Corner Bakery - lemon bar
4. Panera Bread - cobblestone muffin
5. Cinnabon - cinnamon roll
6. Andy's Frozen Custard - Cookie Casanova
7. Crazy Bowls & Wraps - chocolate chip rice krispie treat
8. Cracker Barrel - caramel apple slices (sadly no longer on the menu)
9. Coldstone - Candy Land
10. Cheesecake Factory - chocolate layer cake (I know it's not cheese cake but I promise it's worth it!)

Monday, June 23, 2008

I Heart the Cubs

This weekend's Crosstown Classic, just proves how much the Cubs are kicking @** this season! Although I have been a Cubs fan through thick and thin, here are several reasons why am I so excited about the Cubs this year, read on...

Top 10 Reasons Why I Heart the Cubs' 2008 Season So Far:
1. I am back in Chicago to partake in the glory.
2. I actually have tickets to a game in August and the seats are decent!
3. I'm old enough to go out in Wrigleyville & have friends who live near there!
4. The Cubs are in first and the Cards are in second.
5. Ryan Theriot = cute AND talented.
6. Pitching staff is doing well (finally) and Zambrano will be back soon!
7. Excuse to go to watch more games at the bar with friends.
8. I have hope during a baseball season!
9. We swept the Sox this weekend in the Crosstown Classic.
10. Baseball season may go into October for Cubs fans (knock on wood).

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Appreciations and Aspirations

Sometimes I take my opportunities for granted, but I am trying to really appreciate every little thing that life has to offer and the people who matter most to me. God has blessed me in many ways, but also given me many aspirations for the future.

Top 10 Things I Appreciate:

1. My family who supports me emotionally and monetarily. They always want to see me succeed and be happy with my decisions.
2. Justin who constantly challenges me, opens my eyes and loves me unconditionally.
3. My fabulous friends who I know I can call for support any time I need it, are amazing people in their own ways and are tons of fun :)
4. A great education that prepared me for my career path - shoutout to the Mizzou J-school!
5. The opportunity to study abroad in London - one of the greatest experiences of my life. I can't wait until I have the opportunity to go back and possibly even live abroad.
6. My health - I mean I still get the occasional cold and don't necessarily have the best family medical history, but overall I strive to live a healthy and fit lifestyle.
7. Chocolate - seriously sometimes it provides comfort like nothing else.
8. My inner drive, it keeps me going when the going gets touch and pushes me to be better in all aspects of my life.
9. Business trip to Santa Monica with JWT gave me the opportunity to experience a totally different lifestyle and meet some great people.
10. My intelligence - I mean, I know I didn't get a perfect ACT score (ahem my little brother) but I did pretty well for myself in school.

Top 10 Aspirations:
1. Get a promotion - preferably sooner than later :)
2. Go on a cruise, I love warm weather and the ocean.
3. Live in the actual city, I mean Suburbia is super exciting but living in the city has always been my dream.
4. Own my own business, maybe a restaurant or a boutique.
5. Make something of myself that I might be able to rub elbows with the stars or high society.
6. Get a higher degree than a bachelor's degree.
7. Get married to the man of my dreams and live happily ever after.
8. Return to Mizzou for Homecoming every year if possible (I am already planning the tailgate for this year) to reunite with college friends.
9. Buy a car, as much as I have appreciated the hand-me-downs I think that sounds very satisfying.
10. Give a substantial amount of time and/or money to a charity that I strongly support.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

If I weren't in advertising...

Remember when you were 5 and you wanted to be an astronaut? or a ballerina? or a firefighter? Do you ever wonder what your life would be like today if you had actually pursued one of those careers or a different career path? Here are a few of my "dream" careers and where I think I would be now if I had chosen those roads:

10 Career's I've Wanted to Pursue in My Lifetime & Where I'd Be:

1. Chef (age 5, according to my mom) - I'd be broke and living on the streets, lets be honest 87% of my "cooking" involves a microwave.

2. Paleontologist (age 7) - I'd still be in school, probably in a lab studying bones.

3. Actress (age 8) - probably waitressing during the nights and doing small-town theater shows.

4. Novelist (age 10) - reporting at a small paper or magazine and writing award-winning novels on the site. Probably be living at home with my parents.

5. Lawyer (age 15) - still in school somewhere in the midwest & spending most of my days in the library and most of my weekends at the local bar.

6. Fashion Designer (age 16) - probably working at Express or Macys while sending out my resume & portfolio.

7. Interior Designer (age 17) - working at a furniture/interior decorating shop in Columbia and living with Justin.

8. Fashion Magazine Editor (age 18)- living in New York, interning at InStyle.

9. Advertising Creative (age 19) - working at JWT Inside in St. Louis, editing recruitment ads in photoshop and working a second job on the weekends.

10. Event Planner (off and on) - probably working full-time and working at various events on the weekend.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Lofty Dreams

While flipping through fashion & gossip magazines during my daily elliptical workout, I began to picture myself in the designer clothes and exotic locations of the rich and famous. I've never been one to want a Coach purse just to say I have a coach purse, but I do dream about luxury purchases that I will probably never be able to afford. But a girl can dream, can't she?

10 Dream Purchases
1. A luxurious bathrobe & bathrobe warmer.
2. Cubs season tickets.
3. Yves Saint Laurent clutch -
4. Bed & Breakfast in Brugge, Belgium or Italy.
5. Personal chef to cook me healthy meals and n0n-healthy desserts.
6. A glamorous dress like Hilary's.
7. A collection of perfumes of all varieties of scents.
8. Weekly manicure.
9. Hot tub.
10. Condo in Los Angeles.

Monday, June 2, 2008

My friends are better than your friends.

A friend once stated, "everyone has a redeeming quality," but I've come to realize over the past year that MY friends have COUNTLESS redeeming qualities that make them such great friends and great people.

So without further ado, I will continue to brag about my friends and what I admire about their aspirations & accomplishments over the past couple of years. See where you fit in the list, but don't worry if you can't find yourself! This is a very limited list of the things I admire about my friends!

Top 10 Career & Life Choices That I Admire Most About My Friends:

1. Attending law school thousands of miles away in order to reach true career goals, instead of choosing the easier/safer option.
2. Working abroad post-graduation.
3. Working (or studying toward working) in the medical field.
4. Doing everything possible to make their dreams of starting a family come true.
5. Sticking out the sucky parts of life in order to get to the good parts.
6. Driving a giant hotdog across the country for a year.
7. Deciding to go down a different career path after discovering their original decision wasn't for them, whether it be by going back to school or getting a job in a different field.
8. Moving to an unfamiliar area of the country and THEN getting a job.
9. Taking time off to travel or evaluate future goals before starting the first job.
10. Becoming a school teacher.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Letterman's Top 10

I thought I'd take some of the focus off me today. Please enjoy one of David Letterman's top 10 lists... too funny.

Top Ten Questions To Ask Yourself Before Having Sex In A McDonald's

10. Should I take her someplace more romantic like Applebee's?
9. Am I going to get "The McClap"?
8. Should we just stay in the car and have sex in the drive-thru?
7. The rats won't mind, will they?
6. Would she rather have had a 'Whopper'?
5. Is this what my dad meant when he said, "Go get a job at McDonald's"?
4. Should I add fries and a soda for an extra 99 cents?
3. Can I tell my wife I was just getting a 'Happy Meal'?
2. Should I see a psychiatrist?
1. Is this going to hurt my wife's presidential campaign?

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Come Again?

This past year, I feel like I have been experiencing deja vu with the plethora of movie remakes, return of 80s fashions and my current living arrangement, all very reminiscent of my childhood. So without further ado I will take a minute to point out my top 10 best (and worst) comebacks this year so far. I've also included some informational links for your reading (and viewing) pleasure.

Top 10 Retro Moments of 2008
1. Indiana Jones returns- when I was in middle school I was obsessed. I think I watched Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom at least once a week and Harrison Ford was my George Clooney. Here's info on the newest chapter in the Indy story:
2. The comeback tour of New Kids on the Block - I'm not ashamed to say that I owned the new kids sleeping bag in my youth. However, I will probably have to miss out on their upcoming concert. Let's be honest, they're a lot cuter without the early 90s hair...
3. Moving back to Joan & Denny's house - it still feels surreal. Somebody pinch me...
4. Fraggle Rock movie rumors - I mean who didn't love the muppets as a kid?
5. Paula Abdul releases a single - Although her newest release couldn't even be considered good and she's definitely crazy, there's no denying that Straight Up was crazy good back in the day.
6. Chronicles of Narnia - one of my favorite book series of all time as a child finally got made into a blockbuster hit! The sequel, Prince Caspian, comes out soon!
7. Mario Kart - although not a glorious as the original Nintendo, the Wii version of Mario Kart brings fond memories of hours spent in the basement of my neighbor's house as a child.
8. The Apple/Mac is at the cutting edge of technology - Yes, we still have our family's first-ever computer which was a 1984 Mac fully equipped with programs such as Clarisworks and Word Perfect. Ours seriously looks like the computer:
9. Sleeping over at my friend's house - only this time it's because I've had a bit too much to drink to make it home...
10. Bold & vibrant colors - I distinctly remember a pair of jean shorts I had in the early 1990s that were this color. Let's just cross our fingers that we will never have to wear scrunchies or scrunched down socks ever again.

Monday, May 26, 2008

I heart 4 day weekends

This Memorial Day weekend was a great way to kick-off summer and all the adventures to come! Not only was I off work for FOUR WHOLE DAYS but it got me excited about all the visitors and plans I have for the coming months!

I am a bit sad that today was 80 degrees and tomorrow's low is supposed to be in the 40s! According to Tom Shilling and Weather Underground, this particular weather pattern is described as a "pneumonia front", which if you ask me doesn't sound fun at all...

But on a more positive note, here are some things that made my weekend great!

Top 10 Things I Did Over My 4-Day Weekend (in no particular order)
1. Went out w/ Claud in the City - although we didn't make it back to Uncle Fatty's...
2. Watched my little brother graduate from high school (and realized I was so old that some of the people that I graduated high school with are now teachers at Neuqua).
3. Tried sushi (and liked it) for the first time!
4. Went shopping & spent $20 for a dress, t-shirt & underwear!
5. Lunch with Melissa at Baja Fresh - great company & great food
6. Saw Indiana Jones & the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull & loved it! Yes, it was over the top, but in true Indiana Jones fashion.
7. Wore flip-flops because it was finally warm enough!
8. Had extra time to catch up with friends & Justin via phone convos :)
9. Night out with some of my fav guys despite the out-of-it waiter.
10. Enjoyed an m&m blizzard from DQ.

Oh and I hope you visited your local Buick, Pontiac & GMC dealer this past weekend ;)