Tuesday, November 4, 2008

My Resolution for a New Year (24)

Last week I turned 24. That’s almost a quarter of a century. Now that may not seem that old (or maybe it does) but it made me think about how I used to perceive myself at 24.
A polished professional working in a fast-paced ad agency in the big city, making big money with a live-in boyfriend, my best friends in apartments nearby and heading up a local charity organization.

After a quick (really quick) self-evaluation, I realized I am still pretty far from that dream role… living at home, my boyfriend and most of my good friends living in another state, living in the burbs, making enough money to get by. I also realized I am on my way… at my second job, working at an ad agency for a large company, going to grad school, celebrating my four year anniversary with my boyfriend and taking advantage of close-by city life as much as I can.

But then I decided one thing I can easily work on is being a little more polished. In addition to my self-evaluation, there are a few other things that have inspired me to set this goal or my “new year” resolution.

1. The abundance of unflattering pictures of me posted on Facebook lately.
2. I want to have gorgeous hair like Blake Lively & Lauren Conrad.
3. The look of bitten fingernails on the hand of a 24-year-old.
4. Fear of what I might look like when I’m 38 and have million more things to deal with.
5. Glamour beauty edition.
6. The fact that 16-year olds look older than me.
7. The need for a little variety in my look (I’ve been told several times in the past year that I look the same as when I did in high school).
8. Desire to dress professionally & trendy to give off a good impression at work.
9. I want to be a “hot girlfriend” J
10. Young women in Chicago are super trendy and I got to keep up!

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