Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Work Hard At Work To Stay Working...

With the economy on the down swing, companies seem to be laying people off left and right. Rather than re-hiring, the companies are just redistributing the work to the current employees to save cash. With that in mind, it’s important to try extra hard to impress your boss if you want to keep your job.

Here are some good practices that I’ve noticed will help you stand out in the company & keep your job (even if it’s not your “dream job”).

10 Ways to Look Good at Your Job
1. Only work on personal things during your lunch break or before/after normal “work hours”.
2. Be on time (or even early)!
3. Ask your boss if they need help with anything before you leave or pack up for the day.
4. Do what your boss asks without arguing, no matter how irritating the task. If it’s something that you strongly disagree with, take the time to come up with a calm and rational explanation of why it is unnecessary.
5. Always bring a pen & paper to every meeting or to your boss’ office.
6. Don’t doodle or organize during meetings (this is particularly hard for me)!
7. Always try to have something to contribute at status updates or when your boss is asking about a specific topic.
8. More one-on-one contact with other co-workers, don’t always just send an email or instant message. Take the time to walk over to their desk or if strapped for time, pick up the phone.
9. If you see your boss rushing around, offer to help.
10. Communicate! When you have to leave early or are swamped it’s better to be up-front with your co-workers or superiors rather than them just assume things or get irritated later.

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