Monday, September 22, 2008

Am I Marriage Material?

I was listening to B96 radio this morning on my way to work and the topic was “Why I couldn’t marry myself”, so that got me thinking. I kind of like myself (as conceited as that sounds) but the statement holds true. I could never marry myself or someone exactly like myself for the following reasons:

1. I know nothing about investing or really anything to do with finances.
2. I am NOT a morning person.
3. I’m a picky eater – especially when it comes to pasta & dairy.
4. I never get that “cute” morning hair look… it’s just always out of control.
5. I’m sometimes indecisive and need a second opinion before I make a decision.
6. I over-think easy situations.
7. I’m a little stingy with money and complain about not having it (a lot).
8. I’m a bad bags partner.
9. I don't like kids or pets (although everyone says it’ll be different when they are your own).
10. I take too many pictures (according to some people) but I just like to savor the happy moments!

Wait so am I dooming myself to be unmarried forever with this post? (Justin, take this with a grain of salt…)

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