Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Mayor May Dampen Cubs Postseason Celebration

Now that the Cubs have clinched the division (and home-field advantage)and are headed to the playoffs, the talk of the town is that Mayor Daley might ask BARS in Wrigleyville cut off alcohol sales after the 7th inning during the post-season play.

This is a TERRIBLE, HORRIBLE idea for MANY reasons, but I will outline just a few:

1. The proposal is most likely to be VOLUNTARY, which means no bar in their right mind will actually do it. The Cubs season is when Wrigleyville bars make most of their revenue for the year and if the bar next store decides to continue serving alcohol everyone will go there instead.
2. How will the city even begin to start regulating this??
3. People who actually live in the area and want to get a drink unrelated to the game will be punished as well.
4. Most people who go to the Cubs games take public transportation or live nearby, especially during playoff season so there’s not a greater chance that people will drive home drunk.
5. People will still do stupid things; cutting off alcohol sales at the 7th inning will not curb that.
6. What if the game goes into extra innings?
7. People will just move to find the closest bar that does sell alcohol and you will run into the same problem there.
8. We are not in high school anymore and the Mayor is not our parents.
9. People want to celebrate, let them celebrate. After all, This is The Year (and it only happens once in a lifetime).
10. What kind of a message will this sanction send about Chicago sportsfans to the rest of the nation? That we can’t handle ourselves? In that case, we should just kiss the 2016 Olympics good-bye!

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