Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Hills or the Olympics?

According to Perez Hilton the 18 – 24 age group that watches the Hills is not a demographic that is interested in watching the Olympics. Well I’m either an anomaly or he doesn’t know what he’s talking about because I’ve literally been glued to the Olympics every night. I haven’t gotten to the point of watching them live at 3am, but I have managed to watch between 1-4 hours a day… okay maybe I’m just a loser.

But this brings me to the question – what am I going to do with myself after the Olympics is over?

10 Alternative Activities to Watching the Olympics
1. Spend time actually conversing with my family.
2. Be well rested again, as I won’t feel like I have to stay up until midnight to watch the end.
3. Go back to being constantly underwhelmed since I won’t be watching the world’s greatest athletes anymore.
4. Resort to watching the world’s greats on The Hills - biggest bitch (Lo), dirtiest girl (Audrina), biggest douche (Spencer) and biggest idiot (Heidi).
5. Go back to watching Letterman and the second best top 10 lists (mine coming in first of course).
6. Return to watching the great American sports – Cubs, Mizzou football, NFL football J
7. Get off my ass and do something besides watching TV for hours at a time.
8. Stop worrying about scheduling my social life around particular races.
9. Old faithful re-runs: Friends, Sex & the City, Will & Grace.
10. Get my laptop fixed so I can return to facebook stalking full time.

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