Wednesday, December 3, 2008

#10 down, 9 more to go on my Holiday To Do!

In past years, it was like nails on a chalkboard hearing Christmas music more than a week before Dec. 25 and I always rolled my eyes at those people who put up their decorations on Dec. 1. But this year I decided to put my Grinchy attitude aside and give the whole “Christmas Spirit” thing a try. And check off my first “10 Things I Plan To Do in Chicago Over the Holidays” item:

#10. Start listening to Christmas music & decorating on Dec. 1 to take full advantage of the holiday season.

After returning home from my trip to Kansas City for Thanksgiving, I convinced my mom to help me decorate the house for Christmas. I tried to push aside the slowly forming sinus headache from dusty shelves and musty boxes and focus on the cute faces of the snowmen decorations. It was nice to be able to decorate so far in advance rather than in the past 5 years, when after returning home from Missouri I realized that I had to fit all my pre-Christmas activities (including helping decorate the house) into three days. And unlike high school, I no longer had to worry about impending finals or school holiday activities that left me with no time for holiday cheer, let alone helping my parents decorate the house.

Despite the fact that I abhor the cold weather & scraping snow and ice off my car, the Dec. 1 snowfall brought visions of a white Christmas and actually put me in the holiday spirit. So on Monday, I decided to take the leap and decorate my office cube for the holiday. I have to admit seeing Horace the singing abominable snowman brings a smile to my face as I remember the holiday bash at Buttonwood and decorating the apartment in St. Louis last year.

Since the morning show DJs at my favorite radio station just got canned and the temporary DJ isn’t that great, it gives me a great excuse to listen to Christmas music on Lite FM on the way to work in the morning. I think because of my new attitude, the music is no longer grating on my ears.

So far, I’ve managed to stave off my Scrooge and Grinch-like tendencies and am truly in the Christmas spirit!

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