Tuesday, July 8, 2008

In A Perfect World

Not that I'm complaining about my current life (because I have lots to be thankful for), but in my perfect world...

1. Justin & I would live together, in the same city with great jobs.
2. All my friends would live just around the corner.
3. Chocolate cookies & DQ blizzards would be diet foods.
4. I could afford to travel abroad at least 6 times a year.
5. I would have the flexibility and turnout of a professional dancer & be able to take classes every day.
6. Winter would last Dec. 1 - Jan. 1
7. I would own a lakehouse or condo on the ocean.
8. When I went shopping, the first outfit I tried on would always be perfect.
9. I would never be bored or overly stressed at work.
10. I would have perfect skin.

Speaking of perfect, here are my top 10 perfect desserts & where to find them (because you gotta try them):

1. Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory - milk chocolate dipped chocolate chip cookie
2. Hagen Daas - belgium waffle with chocolate sauce & ice cream
3. Corner Bakery - lemon bar
4. Panera Bread - cobblestone muffin
5. Cinnabon - cinnamon roll
6. Andy's Frozen Custard - Cookie Casanova
7. Crazy Bowls & Wraps - chocolate chip rice krispie treat
8. Cracker Barrel - caramel apple slices (sadly no longer on the menu)
9. Coldstone - Candy Land
10. Cheesecake Factory - chocolate layer cake (I know it's not cheese cake but I promise it's worth it!)

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