Sunday, May 18, 2008

I've officially been out of college for a whole year!

This weekend I attended Justin's graduation from Mizzou and realized that I have officially been out of college for over a year now and on the 6 1/2 hour drive back to Naperville, started thinking what I miss about being in college...

1. Thursday nights - BBQ Thursdays, Greys w/ the roomies, Harpos, Tonic - what could be better?
2. Trops, seriously they should open up nationwide.
3. Different schedule & the ability to set it up yourself (aka class schedules).
4. Dancing in fling... and everything else leading up to it.
5. Greek Life, I have yet to find something to be quite so obsessed about...
6. Big 12 between classes.
7. Not knowing the true meaning of "boredom".
8. Finals food at the sorority :)
9. Most of my friends living within 10 mins of me.
10. Living in the same town as my boyfriend :(

If there is one thing I've learned over the past year, it's don't dwell in the past and look forward to the future. So I resolved to hold myself accountable for at least 10 things I want to accomplish over the next year.

Top 10 things I want to accomplish in the next year:
1. Take a trip with Justin, hopefully to Vegas.
2. Stay in touch with my friends that are far away and make a new one!
3. Don't give in to the gallons of ice cream, bags of chips and snacks that my mom keeps well-stocked, aka don't gain weight and stay in shape.
4. Make plans to move out of my parent's house at some point.
5. Keep a positive attitude.
6. Never stop making plans to advance myself, my relationships and my career.
7. Get a second job, volunteer or join a club.
8. Go back to Mizzou for Homecoming & plan a tailgate (mark your calendars now).
9. Go to a Cubs game.
10. Finish unpacking from my move back to Naperville.

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