Saturday, December 27, 2008
Quarter Life Crisis...
How am I supposed to act at this “in-between” age? Some of my friends are married and others are content with random hook-ups, cringing at the hint of settling down. All of my friends have completed Undergrad, even those that we thought would never be done. A lot of friends are on the cusp of completing Graduate or Law school or have held one or two “real” jobs.
I am content with “night out” consisting of a drink with another couple at a nice restaurant. But still regularly partake in shit-shows, involving multiple shots, drinking games, crazy dancing and culminating in greasy food at a 24-hour diner. At 24, are we really grown-ups or still irresponsible 20-somethings clinging to the college lifestyle for dear life?
Is this really where I thought I’d be at 24? Am I supposed to be living at home with my parents? Working at an advertising agency in the town where I grew up? Living 400 miles away from my boyfriend of 4 years? Lacking a nearby close-knit group of girlfriends?
Where did I see myself at 24 in my youth?
At age 10, my 24-year-old self was an accomplished novelist working on her 3rd or 4th book. I would be living in New York or England off royalties from my novels and bashing around town with my friends in sophisticated outfits. I would return home late to my doting and successful husband. because at the ripe old age of 24, I would definitely be married.
At 13, after realizing the hardship faced by many young writers, I decided that being a novelist wasn’t a lucrative career and designer for a fashion magazine would be much more glamorous and fitting. I pictured myself bent over a large table filled layouts, doodles and designs for a spread in an upcoming edition of a prestigious fashion magazine. I’d be working late into the night with other artists and designers, taking a break to order Chinese food, happy to have a boyfriend who understood that my work was very important to me.
At 16, I decided the perfect career would combine writing and design. I pictured my 24-year-old self in a charcoal grey skirt-suit striding boldly down the streets of New York City toward my office where I worked long, but rewarding, hours as an associate editor of a respectable national magazine. After a busy day at work, I would return home to my chic apartment that I shared with close girl friends. In my successful and fast-paced lifestyle, I had no time or need for a boyfriend.
At age 18, after exposure to fellow Mizzou journalism majors, I realized that they annoyed the hell out of me and I learned the realities of the lowly journalist salary, so a career as an associate editor was nixed. At 24, I would instead be an ad designer for a large advertising agency in Chicago or St. Louis. As an attractive and successful woman, I would be engaged to an equally successful and attractive businessman who could afford a nice rock. Naturally my college friends would be close by, I couldn’t imagine a week going by without seeing them.
At 21, I decided that my Photoshop skills and ad designs lagged behind some of my classmate’s, so advertising account management would be a better career fit. But 24 was so far away that I couldn’t imagine where I’d be, who I’d work for or what exactly I’d be doing. All I knew was that I would be something great, be somewhere exciting and lead a very active life because I wouldn’t settle for anything less. I hoped my current boyfriend and I would still be together, but I wouldn’t let our relationship hold me back from my career goals.
Even a year ago from now, I hoped things would be different, that I would be much more accomplished and have more to show for my hard work, passion and drive.
My accomplishments seem to pale in comparison to those young Hollywood actresses who have started their own charity, already made three movies and are working on their first album. But on the other hand, some of these same actresses have already been divorced, sent to rehab, spent time in jail, publically embarrassed by their families or become a distant memory.
My life seems so far behind when I read about times past when an unmarried 24-year-old woman would practically be considered a spinster. At 24, most women would be married with kids, have traveled the world, run a household and be involved in important aspects of society. But at the same time, these women weren’t able to have a career or the freedom to continue education past secondary school.
So, rather than focusing on where I once saw myself and what I haven’t done, maybe a more important question to ask is am I happy with where I am? I know my life isn’t perfect, but am I working toward my goals? If not, what can I do to change?
At this point, I am not entirely sure that I know the answer to those questions. However, I do know that I’m not getting any younger and should constantly challenge and enjoy myself. I don’t know if I’m ready to become a “Yes Man” like Jim Carey, but I do think this quarter life crisis could actually be a good thing.
It could force me to think about my life, appreciate the little things and change my attitude. It could also force me to take risks and confront challenging situations. So I will continue with my quarter-life crisis and hopefully find some answers by the time I turn 25. And then realize that I have no clue what it means to be 25 and if it lives up to my expectations.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
On the 12th Day of Christmas...
... the pub crawl gave to me, 12 drunken Santas, 11 bars in Wrigleyville, 10 dancing Reindeer, 9 dollars left after a round of, 8 dollar shots, 7 ugly sweaters, 6 slutty elfs, (at least) 5 trips to the bathroom, 4 drunken texts, 3 spilled drinks, 2 beers in hand and 1 glorious shot of Petrone!
This past weekend I accomplished TWO of my “10 Things I Plan To Do In Chicago Over the Holidays”… I feel so productive! Although to be fair, one of the events involved me drinking all day so I guess I shouldn’t feel THAT productive…
#1 Drink myself silly at the “12 Bars of Christmas” in Wrigleyville.
This past Saturday, I participated in the 12 Bars of Christmas pub crawl in Wrigleyville and it was an amazing experience! I have Jill to thank for suggesting this wonderful event and Jenny to thank for letting me crash at her place so I didn’t have to worry about making it back to Naperville! I definitely encourage you to participate with a group and wear really fun costumes! (My red sweater and reindeer antlers paled in comparison to many of the costumes I spotted throughout the day).
This year, they sold out of all 6,000 tickets and while it did rain in the evening, we were blessed with 30-something degree weather (a rarity in Chicago especially considering today’s high is 14 degrees with -10 degree windchill). There are so many topics I can write about, but I will devote this post to a list of creative costumes!
1. The Abominable Snowman (from the claymation Rudolph cartoon) – the costume consisted of cotton snow glued to a sweat suit.
2. Gingerbread Clan – a group of 8 girls wore brown velour track suits with painted “icing” on the sleeves & a slogan on the back “Drink, Drink as fast as you can, you can’t catch up with the Gingerbread Clan”.
3. A group of guys in red Christmas sweaters carrying a small live Christmas tree – I asked and they had to check the tree at the door at every bar.
4. A lump of coal – no joke this girl was in a big black plastic bag stuffed with newspaper.
5. A gift bag – a girl bought a giant gift bag and wore it as a dress by using the straps as sleeves and cutting out the bottom & wore leggings and a turtle neck underneath.
6. A slutty elf- not sure WHERE she got these boots but they are definitely worth mentioning. Her boots were green suede stilettos with the pointy, curly elf toes.
7. A slutty female cop – not sure how that fits into Christmas but thought she deserved a mention.
8. 80s skier – a guy was wearing a tight, bright purple ski suit from the 1980s that was definitely designed for a smaller individual…
9. A Christmas tree with blinking Christmas tree lights.
#3 Pick out a live tree with my family.
Not much of note to mention about the “hunt” for the perfect tree since we went to a pre-cut sale by the local Boy Scouts that only offered one variety of tree and less than 100 trees to choose from. In my opinion, that’s the best kind of hunt there is, we found a tree quickly and the work was done for us while I waited in the heated car! It is currently sitting in our living room strung only with blue lights and no presents underneath… hopefully that’ll change before Christmas!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Santa Baby...
1. Britney Spears Tickets – I don’t care if she shaved her head or is a horrible Mom… it’s Britney, bitch and she’s back!
2. A Caribbean Cruise – it’s freaking cold already in Chi-town and it’s only December… I don’t think I can handle another 2.5 months!
3. A condo in the city and with rent paid for a year – as much as I love my parents, it’s getting kind of old and frankly, so am I.
4. A day at a nice spa - complete with manicure, full body message, hot tub, etc.
5. A job in 2009 – I’m seriously getting worried considering the bailout is stuck in Congress…
6. Lasik surgery – my vision isn’t bad enough to wear contacts all the time and I get annoyed dealing with my glasses (especially in bars).
7. A parking spot in Lincoln Park – taking the train or finding parking is SUCH a hassle sometimes (especially if I miss the train by 5 seconds!) and since I go in 1-2 times every 2 weeks it would be worth it!
8. MBA Program paid for – I mean loans are nice but I will eventually have to pay them back…
9. A private jet – so I can go visit Justin for a day whenever I want!
10. Everything at Target – I seriously can’t leave the place without spending at least $75 and I’ve had to cut myself off from even going.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Combat Bleak Weather With Words of Holiday Wisdom...
What better way to get in the holiday spirit than listen to Christmas music and read some great holiday quotes? So to help you get in the spirit of the season at work or at school today, put on your headphones, crank up the holiday music and read my compilation of great holiday quotes – both heartwarming and humorous!
1. Christmas! The very word brings joy to our hearts. No matter how we may dread the rush, the long Christmas lists for gifts and cards to be bought and given--when Christmas Day comes there is still the same warm feeling we had as children, the same warmth that enfolds our hearts and our homes." ~ Joan Winmill Brown, American author and editor.
2. At Christmas, all roads lead home. ~ Marjorie Holmes, American writer.
3. Once again, we come to the Holiday Season, a deeply religious time that each of us observes, in his own way, by going to the mall of his choice ~Dave Barry
4. The proper behavior all through the holiday season is to be drunk. This drunkenness culminates on New Year's Eve, when you get so drunk you kiss the person you're married to. ~P. J. O'Rourke
5. Even as an adult I find it difficult to sleep on Christmas Eve. Yuletide excitement is a potent caffeine, no matter your age. ~Carrie Latet
6. “The giving of gifts is not something man invented. God started the giving spree when he gave a gift beyond words, the unspeakable gift of His Son.” ~Robert Flatt
7. There is a remarkable breakdown of taste and intelligence at Christmastime. Mature, responsible grown men wear neckties made of holly leaves and drink alcoholic beverages with raw egg yolks and cottage cheese in them. ~P.J. O'Rourke
8. The Supreme Court has ruled that they cannot have a nativity scene in Washington, D.C. This wasn't for any religious reasons. They couldn't find three wise men and a virgin. ~Jay Leno
9. Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. He exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exists, and you know that they abound and give to your life its highest beauty and joy. ~Charles Dana, editorial in the New York Sun, 1897, responding to a letter from 8-year-old Virginia O'Hanlon
10. Santa is very jolly because he knows where all the bad girls live. ~Dennis Miller
11. As we struggle with shopping lists and invitations, compounded by December's bad weather, it is good to be reminded that there are people in our lives who are worth this aggravation, and people to whom we are worth the same. ~Donald E. Westlake
12. At Christmas play and make good cheer, for Christmas comes but once a year. ~Thomas Tusser
13. "Christmas is not a date. It is a state of mind." ~Mary Ellen Chase
Monday, December 8, 2008
Make Like a Bear And Hibernate On Winter Weekends
Here are some reasons why it’s okay to become a hermit for an entire weekend (or two) during the winter. (Maybe it’s more of a personal validation for my laziness, but feel free to use these excuses in your own personal validations...)
1. Save your skin and hair – avoid the drying winter wind, give your face a break from make-up, try a rejuvenating facemask, give your hair a few days off from the straightener and curling iron.
2. Clean out your cupboard, refrigerator and freezer – eat that can of soup that you bought 3 months ago, eat the leftovers from yesterday’s dinner out rather than throw them away, eat the rest of the week’s groceries before they go bad.
3. Work on all the projects you’ve been putting off for the past several months – file the pile of papers on your desk, do a deep clean of your apartment/room, do that laundry that’s been piling up.
4. Save money for Christmas presents – put the money you’ll save on gas/transportation, eating out, going out and shopping toward Christmas presents for family and friends (or to make a credit card payment or bill).
5. Get in the holiday spirit – listen to Christmas music, make holiday cards, watch holiday movies/ specials, bake cookies, decorate your house/apt.
6. Catch up with family & friends – have quality roommate bonding time, if you live at home spend time with your family, call friends and family members that you haven’t talked to in awhile, email or send Christmas cards to family & friends.
7. Relax! – take a long bath, catch up on sleep, read a book, catch up on your favorite TV shows online, lay around and don’t feel guilty about it!
8. Avoid getting sick – stay out of the brutal winter weather, keep away from other sick friends and strangers, build up your immune system by catching up on sleep and eating healthy.
9. Stay in shape – avoid the extra calories from a night out (both alcohol and drunk food), break out those old kickboxing and pilates tapes, do sit-ups or free weights, or be too lazy to get up off the couch and cook.
10. Make or personalize gifts – bake cookies, knit a scarf, decorate a set of greeting cards, paint a picture frame, make a collage or scrapbook.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
It’s Okay to be Cheap This Holiday Season…
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
#10 down, 9 more to go on my Holiday To Do!
#10. Start listening to Christmas music & decorating on Dec. 1 to take full advantage of the holiday season.
After returning home from my trip to Kansas City for Thanksgiving, I convinced my mom to help me decorate the house for Christmas. I tried to push aside the slowly forming sinus headache from dusty shelves and musty boxes and focus on the cute faces of the snowmen decorations. It was nice to be able to decorate so far in advance rather than in the past 5 years, when after returning home from Missouri I realized that I had to fit all my pre-Christmas activities (including helping decorate the house) into three days. And unlike high school, I no longer had to worry about impending finals or school holiday activities that left me with no time for holiday cheer, let alone helping my parents decorate the house.
Despite the fact that I abhor the cold weather & scraping snow and ice off my car, the Dec. 1 snowfall brought visions of a white Christmas and actually put me in the holiday spirit. So on Monday, I decided to take the leap and decorate my office cube for the holiday. I have to admit seeing Horace the singing abominable snowman brings a smile to my face as I remember the holiday bash at Buttonwood and decorating the apartment in St. Louis last year.
Since the morning show DJs at my favorite radio station just got canned and the temporary DJ isn’t that great, it gives me a great excuse to listen to Christmas music on Lite FM on the way to work in the morning. I think because of my new attitude, the music is no longer grating on my ears.
So far, I’ve managed to stave off my Scrooge and Grinch-like tendencies and am truly in the Christmas spirit!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Celebrating the Season in Chi-Town
In the past couple of years, I have forced myself to brave the Chicago winters to join some friends in Chicago holiday traditions, such as enjoying a cocktail in Marshall Fields’ Walnut room (before it was bought by Macys) and shuffling through the German Christkindl Market in Daley Plaza.
However, there are still many holiday events in Chicago that I have yet to experience and traditions that I want to continue! I plan to check off every item on the top 10 list below and will write a blog post about each experience to get in the Christmas spirit!
10 Things I Plan To Do in Chicago Over the Holidays
1. Drink myself silly at the “12 Bars of Christmas” in Wrigleyville.
2. Go ice-skating outside.
3. Pick out a live tree with my family.
4. Celebrate New Year’s Eve with my boyfriend downtown.
5. See the Second City Dysfunctional Holiday Review.
6. Do something girly in the city with my mom.
7. Attend a dinner party in the city.
8. Go to Walnut Room in Macy’s with friends to continue our tradition.
9. Christmas shopping on the Magnificent Mile.
10. Start listening to Christmas music & decorating on Dec. 1 to take full advantage of the holiday season.