Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Obama's first 100 days - as seen by London Media

From London's Daily Telegraph: Obama's first 100 days - a day-by-day guide. Read full article here

Our day-by-day guide shows that he kept up a frenetic pace as he concentrated on selling his plans for steadying the economy to Americans, restoring amicable relations with nations not enamoured with George W Bush and finding time to spend with his family.

Jan 20: Obama became President watched by 1.8 million people on Washington's National Mall.
Jan 21: First day at the office. Received his first daily intelligence and economic briefings, called Arab leaders and limited lobbyists' influence on the administration.
Jan 22: Ordered closure of Guantanamo Bay prison within a year and ended "enhanced interrogation techniques".
Jan 23: Reversed Bush policy restricting aid to organisations that promote or provide abortions overseas.
Jan 24: In his first radio address, also posted as an online video, stressed the importance of his stimulus bill.
Jan 25: Spent the day with First Lady Michelle and daughters Malia and Sasha at the White House.
Jan 26: Allowed US states to decide their own emissions and fuel efficiency standards.
Jan 27: In first overture to the opposition, met high-ranking, skeptical Republicans.
Jan 28: Plied Congressmen with cocktails at the White House in his attempts to win support for stimulus.
Jan 29: Attended a class presentation at Sasha's school before signing equal pay legislation for women.
Jan 30: Created a middle class working families task force to be headed by Vice President Joe Biden.
Jan 31: Attended dinner at the elite Alfalfa Club and poked fun at himself and election opponents Senator John McCain and Sarah Palin.

Feb 1: Gave pre-Super Bowl interview where he stated that many troops would be home by next year's Super Bowl.
Feb 2: Held a series of closed-door meetings with top officials.
Feb 3: First bad day. His pick for Health and Human Services Secretary, Tom Daschle, resigned over unpaid taxes, the first of six selections to do so.
Feb 4: Introduced executive pay cap of $500,000 at companies receiving government bail-out money. Signed a bill extending health insurance to low-income children.
Feb 5: Invited "my good friend" Tony Blair to speak at the National Prayer Service.
Feb 6: Named an economic advisory board, gave another speech touting stimulus bill.
Feb 7: Headed to presidential retreat Camp David with wife and two daughters for first time.
Feb 8: Quiet Sunday spent preparing for first prime time press conference.
Feb 9: Public meeting in Elkhart, Indiana, a town badly hit by recession.
Feb 10: Visited Fort Myers, Florida, worst foreclosure spot in country.
Feb 11: Gave a speech at a Virginia construction site promoting US infrastructure spending.
Feb 12: Celebrated Abraham Lincoln's 200th birthday with two speeches.
Feb 13: Speech mourning the victims of the Continental Airlines near Buffalo, New York. Democrats muscled the $787 billion stimulus bill through Congress.
Feb 14: First trip back home to Chicago with family. Valentine's dinner with Michelle.
Feb 15: Played basketball with old friends, got hair cut at barber Zariff's.
Feb 16: Scrapped idea of a car tsar to handle the automotive industry.
Feb 17: In Colorado, to view a solar panel installation, signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.
Feb 18: Unveiled a multi-billion dollar plan to prevent further home foreclosures.
Feb 19: Debut foreign trip as president to Ottawa to meet with Prime Minister Stephen Harper.
Feb 20: Spoke to mayors about the importance of the Recovery Act.
Feb 21: Reassured the country that his stimulus package would yield immediate results.
Feb 22: Hosted a White House dinner for state Governors – the administration's first official banquet.
Feb 23: Hosted a bipartisan fiscal responsibility summit to discuss the Recovery Act.
Feb 24: Welcomed Japanese Prime Minister Taro Aso, first head of state greeted at the White House.
Feb 25: Finally appointed a commerce secretary; honoured musician Stevie Wonder at White House bash.
Feb 26: Unveiled his $3.55 trillion budget for the 2010 fiscal year. Hosted members of Chicago bulls.
Feb 27: In North Carolina, announced plan to withdraw combat troops from Iraq by August 31, 2010. Watched basketball game in Washington.
Feb 28: Another weekly radio address. Warned special interest groups and lobbyists that he was willing to fight.

Mar 1: Some family time at the White House, while Sec of State Hillary Clinton announced $300m in aid to Gaza.
Mar 2: Named Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius to become Secretary of Health and Human Services.
Mar 3: Awkward press conference with Gordon Brown, and even more awkward present of 25 DVDs of great American films.
Mar 4: As Brown spoke at Congress, Obama appointed new head of Federal Emergency Management Agency.
Mar 5: Health care reform forum; homeowner rescue bill clears Congress.
Mar 6: Told police cadets that his recovery plan had ensured the jobs they were heading for.
Mar 7: Weekly address extolling "controlled" spending in $3.6 trillion budget.
Mar 8: Led singing of "Happy Birthday" at Senator Ted Kennedy's 77th birthday celebration at the Kennedy Centre.
Mar 9: Signed an executive order reversing the Bush administration's ban on federally-funded stem cell research.
Mar 10: Announced plan to increase spending on education.
Mar 11: Signed the $410 billion omnibus spending bill left over from Bush.
Mar 12: Warned stimulus money had to be spent wisely.
Mar 13: Ended use of term "enemy combatants" to describe Guantanamo detainees.
Mar 14: Met president of Brazil.
Mar 15: Kept low profile as economic team did the rounds of Sunday talk shows.
Mar 16: Attacked bailed-out insurer AIG for awarding $165 million in executive bonuses after receiving bail-out.
Mar 17: Wore a green tie for St Patrick's Day as received Irish PM. Michelle turned White House fountains green.
Mar 18: Took the blame for AIG, and made his pick for college basketball tournament.
Mar 19: First real gaffe, when he compared his poor bowling skills to the Special Olympics on Jay Lenok talk show.
Mar 20: Met supportive Governors Schwarzenegger, Rendell, and Bloomberg to discuss the stimulus package.
Mar 21: Weekly address focused on infrastructure and technological investments.
Mar 22: Appeared on "60 Minutes", defended under-fire Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner.
Mar 23: Speech at the White House discussing clean and renewable energy.
Mar 24: Prime-time press conference to answer questions about the AIG bonus scandal. Spoke to orbiting astronauts with schoolchildren.
Mar 25: Met Nato Secretary General on Afghanistan.
Mar 26: Online 'town hall' meeting in which he confirmed he was against legalising marijuana.
Mar 27: Announced 17,000 more troops for Afghanistan and "benchmarks" for US aid to Pakistan.
Mar 28: Declared the Red River area in North Dakota a disaster area and authorised emergency funding.
Mar 29: Called on Big Three car companies to boost efforts at restructuring.
Mar 30: Rick Wagoner, General Motors chief executive, forced out the and company given 60 days to sort out its problems.
Mar 31: Signs public lands bill that protects over a million of acres of wilderness. The Obamas land in Britain.

April 1: Arrived in Britain for the G20 Summit where he met the Queen and Prince Philip.
April 2: G20 leaders agreed to a $1.1 trillion boost to the IMF and other world financial institutions.
April 3: Town hall meeting in a basketball arena in Strasbourg answering questions from French and Germans.
April 4: Persuades Nato to pledge 5,000 troops for Afghanistan.
April 5: Calls for a nuclear-free world are overshadowed by North Korea firing "satellite" rocket.
April 6: In Turkey, said that America "is not and will never be at war with Islam."
April 7: Surprise visit to Baghdad where he declared it was time for Iraqis to "take responsibility for their country".
April 8: Hosted first Passover Seder at the White House for friends.
April 9: Urged Americans to take advantage of low-mortgage rates.
April 10: Said the economy was showing "glimmers of hope".
April 11: In weekly radio address, urged global partnership in facing global adversity.
April 12: Attended Easter Sunday service at St John's Episcopal Church.
April 13: Announced easing of US restrictions on travel to Cuba. Hosted annual Easter egg roll on the South Lawn.
April 14: Presented six-month old Portuguese water dog named Bo to daughters Malia and Sasha: a.
April 15: Tax filing day. He and First Lady Michelle jointly declared an income of $2,656,902, chiefly from book sales.
April 16: Released memos on Bush-era CIA interrogation techniques, but said agents would not be prosecuted.
April 17: Told Latin American and Caribbean leaders gathered in Trinidad that he sought co-operation with the region.
April 18: Met and shook hands with Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, an outspoken critic of America under Bush.
April 19: Returned home from Summit of Americas and admitted nothing was achieved, but goodwill created.
April 20: Held first cabinet meeting. Invited Tiger Woods to the White House.
April 21: Held open possibility of prosecuting Bush officials who drafted memos.
April 22: On Earth Day, President Obama travelled to Iowa to promote new a new alternative energy focus.
April 23: Told credit card company executives to clarify contract language and change some laws that many feel "trap" customers.
April 24: Said he wanted to change student loans to government funding.
April 25: Asked Congress to pass legislation forcing members to include budget cuts or tax increases against any budget increases.
April 26: Played golf at Andrews Air Force Base with his Commerce Secretary, a White House staffer, and trade representative Ron Kirk.
April 27: Said flu outbreak in Mexico was a "cause for concern... but it is not a cause for alarm."
April 28: Visited FBI headquarters and spoke to members of the investigative bureau.
April 29: Due to hold a prime time press conference to mark his 100th day.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Don't Become a News-asaurus

There is so much talk about saving the old archaic form of newspapers and job cuts for journalists everywhere, but newspapers need to step up and adjust their business strategy to the modern times! Problems with every industry’s dinosaurs have been brought to the surface through the recession, proving that those companies or industries need to do some major restructuring or throw in the towel.

The traditional newspaper needs some major formatting, content & multi-media adjustments to fit the culture of today’s reader. In today’s fast-paced, multi-tasking, information-driven society newspapers can no longer get away with the traditional dimensions, long involved stories and lack of multi-media support. I know some of these improvements mean a departure from “true journalism” but journalists also need to embrace the future and find innovative ways of keeping true journalism alive while making money and keeping their job!

One example of a newspaper that is doing a good job balancing the journalism and adjusting to the marketplace is the Chicago Tribune. Their redesign, content audit and format changes fit the market and the profile of today’s reader. Readers can more easily take their paper with them and read on-the-go. In addition, they have shorter stories, tickers and social media updates in the main section and to quickly give readers an overview of the news. However, they still provide in-depth stories, offer a “full” Sunday edition and use their website to provide more information & links to readers who want more. So kudos to them and hopefully it will prove to be successful and provide a model for other papers to follow (quickly) before they go the way of the dinosaurs.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Jonesing for Those Harpos/Tonic/El Rancho Nights

I just saw this video posted on Facebook by a friend from Mizzou and had to add it to the blog!

For those who went to Mizzou all I need to say is: El Rancho

For those who did not, I'm sorry you missed out.

It's all Just A Little Bit of History Repeating

Pirates? Tea Parties? I'm sorry, did I wake up in the 17th century?

I never thought I'd be able to tell my grandkids about "When I was young and Pirates were taking French & American sailors captive" or "I remember when taxes got so high we revolted with a tea party!"

Read about the Tea Party.

Read about the Pirates.

And who says history doesn't repeat itself...